Chapter II

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The day had been long and tiresome and young Beca Mitchell was having dinner with her mother.

"How was your first day, sweetie?" Katherine asked.

Katherine was a professor at Barden University. She taught English and has been doing so for many years. Beca had a rather close relationship with her mother. As an only child, she had the luxury of not having to share her mother with anyone else. 

"It was good. We got new teachers in today so that was interesting." Beca answered.

"Oh yeah? Do you have any of them?"

"Yeah, I have a new English, Maths, and Gym teacher."

"Are they good?"

"Yeah, they're alright. Miss Posen seems a bit uptight but it's amusing to poke fun at her."

"Oh, Beca, please tell me you didn't get into trouble on your first day."

"No, mom. I just teased her a little - nothing serious."

"Beca," her mother sighed.


"You know what. This is your final year of high school and you can't afford to be mucking around like you're back in Eighth Grade. You need to do your best."

"But, mom, I'm not planning to go to University after I graduate."

"That's not the point. It's always good to do your best just in case you change your mind. A lot of Universities offer fantastic music degrees - remember that."

"Like Barden?"

"Yes, like Barden."

Beca took a break from her chicken and vegetables and thought about earlier.

"Do they have acapella groups at Barden?"

"Yes, they do. They're all very good. I've been to quite a few acapella performances. They never cease to amaze me."


"Do you want to join or something?"

"No, my new English teacher used to go to Barden and she said that she was in an acapella group."

"Oh, really? What's her name? I might know her."

"Chloe Beale." The name rolled off the brunette's tongue.

"Oh, Chloe's your teacher?" Katherine's voice was high with curiosity.


"Lucky you! I taught her for years! She's a very bright young woman. She excelled at her studies with flying colours!"

"She seems nice."

"Oh, she's lovely. Personally, she's one of my favourite students I've ever taught. You're very lucky to have her as your teacher. She'll be good - I'm sure of it." Katherine smiled happily.

"I'm sure she will, too." Beca smiled and continued eating her dinner with the redhead still on her mind.


Wearing pyjama shorts and a pink and blue button-up pyjama shirt, Chloe was sitting on her couch with her laptop in front of her as she was making up the details of the first assignment for her Senior students. Her first day was rather daunting but it didn't stop the woman from enjoying meeting new people and teaching an actual class for the first time. 

She met her fellow staff members, whom of which were all nice and welcoming, especially Tom who quickly caught an eye for Chloe the moment he saw her and Chloe wasn't blind to the fact. However, unbeknown to Tom, Chloe wasn't that attracted to men as she was women. Sure, Chloe knew a handsome man when she saw one but she rarely had the incentive to be in a relationship with a man. When she was in a relationship with a man it never lasted long and Chloe hardly enjoyed being with them. Chloe leaned more towards the blue team if anything else.

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