Chapter XXXV

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It was Monday and it had been quite a stressful morning. Both Beca and Chloe were nervous about their little performance in front of Aubrey but it had to be done if they wanted to keep their relationship secret and safe. It'd be harder for Chloe since she'd have to go to extra lengths to make sure that her friend wouldn't find out that she was still with Beca, but she was prepared not to speak to her like Beca suggested.

The couple had planned to see Aubrey at the end of the day since that's when the blonde had the most time alone. Like to Chloe, Aubrey stayed behind to finished off any work that needed doing. Aubrey was more organised than the redhead since she'd usually have her work finished by the end of the day so she wouldn't have to stay behind, but sometimes there were days where she had to.

The day was long and Chloe hadn't spoken to Aubrey at all. She was still angry with her friend and the blonde felt bad that Chloe was still upset with her but Aubrey remained strong about the fact that Beca and Chloe needed to end things.

When the day concluded Beca met Chloe in her classroom as planned and the redhead was packing away her things when the brunette arrived.

"Are you ready?" Beca asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Are you?"

"Yes, although I can't tell you how close I was to saying something to her in Maths today or slipping my foot forward to make her trip."

Chloe chuckled. "It's okay, baby. We'll get this done then we won't have to worry."

"I hope not."

The couple exchanged supportive smiles, both having the biggest urge to follow it up with a kiss but they knew they couldn't muck around at school anymore. After this was done, they couldn't even sneak looks at each other or do anything similar either. But on the flip side, Beca didn't have that much longer to go of her Senior year so every day was a day closer to being open with her relationship with Chloe.

Beca and Chloe made their way down the corridors of the school in the direction of Aubrey's classroom. There were very little students left at the school since everyone was eager to get home but there were a few stragglers who were slowly making their way out. Beca had preferred that no one would be at the school in case they saw but it didn't matter. As long as she and Chloe could still be together - that's all that mattered.

The pair eventually reached Aubrey's classroom and they stood in front of the door and turned to each other briefly.

"Ready?" Chloe uttered.


Chloe gave her a wink and a smile then opened Aubrey's door.

"Oh my god," Beca uttered when she and Chloe walked in on Aubrey sitting on her desk with Jesse between her legs as he gave her a kiss.

Aubrey and Jesse quickly pulled away with Jesse leaping back a few feet and wiping his mouth.

"Are you kidding me!" Chloe practically screamed.

"Chloe, I can explain," Aubrey slid off her desk and began to walk towards her friend.

"No, don't you dare come any closer," Chloe warned. "I can't believe you - I actually can't. I... I don't know where to begin!"

"Oh, I do," Beca spoke up. "You want me to start the ass whooping?"

"Becs," Jesse intervened.

"No! Do you want to know what your teacher did?" Beca asked him. "She threatened to report Chloe if she didn't break up with me, and here she is lip-locked with you, a student, being a total hypocrite!"

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