Chapter VI

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It was Monday and Beca was nervous as Hell when she walked into Miss Beale's classroom and saw the beautiful redhead in jeans, flats, and a blue shirt with her hair in a messy bun, writing some questions on the board. Beca was still a little tired from her trip and she wasn't able to get a good night's sleep as she had planned the night before since her teacher was on her mind.

Beca sat in her usual spot next to Stacie who was determined to suss out whether or not Chloe had any interest in young Beca.

"Welcome back, class. It's good to see you all here again. Today we'll be going over some questions about the book and doing some activities around it as well. We'll be looking at themes and language techniques to be specific. I've also marked your tests and I was very pleased with them. I'll hand them back now." Chloe announced and Beca flushed when she met eyes with the redhead.

Chloe watched her carefully from afar before turning back around and handing out marked tests to the class.

"Stay cool, girl. You're looking like a tomato over there." Stacie whispered.

"I feel so embarrassed. I mean, she's so hot and she probably already knows that I like her!"

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to investigate for you remember?"

"Yeah, I remember." Beca sighed then watched Chloe walk to the back of the class where she handed the brunette her test.

"Here you go, Beca," Chloe said. "Well done."

Beca looked at the big A+ on her paper and beamed. She didn't expect to get anything less.

"Thanks," Beca went to take the sheet but it slipped from her clammy hands and fell onto the floor. "Crap," Beca bent down to grab it the same time Chloe did and the two women bumped heads.

"Oh! Sorry!"

"Sorry!" The both apologised.

Beca was beyond embarrassed. She grabbed the sheet as did Chloe and their hands touched and at that moment, both women froze and stared at each other. Chloe's bright blue eyes pierced right into Beca's, almost as if they were staring directly into her soul. It made Beca uncomfortable.

"Thanks," Beca took the sheet and quickly looked away.

"You're welcome." Chloe stood and continued distributing the tests until she was done.

"That's one point," Stacie uttered when Chloe returned to the front of the room.

"What are you talking about?" Beca questioned.

"No one stares at someone that long without it meaning something. One point to you."

"And how many points are there to say that she IS interested in me?"

"I dunno... Ten? It all depends on what they are and the level of severity."

"You've got this all figured out, haven't you?" Beca laughed.

"A little. Let's see how the rest of the lesson goes."

Beca focused her attention forward at the gorgeous teacher at the front of the class who was explaining the task set for them. Beca couldn't help but smile a little to herself knowing that she had 'one point', according to Stacie. She didn't want to look too much into the stare she had with the redhead, but it was far different from any other stare she had before. It was like a lingering stare... Beca had a feeling that if they were standing that Chloe may have looked her up and down, but that was pushing it. Beca could only hope though.


English had come to an end and Stacie had slipped Beca a note in Beca's book but the shorter woman didn't notice that Stacie had put it there when she left. Beca was packing away her things and waited until everyone was gone to speak to Chloe. She had to get the Facebook incident sorted and she knew that Chloe had seen it since she declined her request. Beca knew it was going to happen but she did feel a little disappointed. Even if Chloe had left it on pending it wouldn't have been too bad. Beca also knew that Chloe couldn't have accepted it because they are student and teacher and any relationship outside of school was prohibited.

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