Chapter XXX

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Everyone was back at the house and since Katie felt awful about what happened to her cousin, she decided to give Beca a foot rub. She was extra careful with Beca's sprain but she managed to alleviate some of the pain the Senior had.

"I'm sorry again, Becs," Katie uttered.

Both she and Beca were sitting on the couch with Beca's foot resting on a pillow that was resting on Katie's lap.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault."

"Jack's still upset, poor boy."

"Bec!" Jack carefully walked over to Beca with a bowl of ice cream, balancing it carefully between his two little hands.

"Thank you, Jack-Jack!" Beca smiled at the boy when she took the bowl.

"Hurt?" He pointed to her wrist that was bound in a white cast.

"Yes, but I'm okay."

"Sorry." He hung his head.

"It's okay. I'll be better in a little while." Beca rubbed his head, making him smile, then he sat on the floor next to the girls and played with his new toys.

"How's this?" Katie asked as she was rubbing Beca's foot that was attached to her sprained ankle.

"Amazing. You should do this as a profession."

"No thanks. The only massaging I'll do is on football players."

"Gross," Beca pulled out her phone and took a picture of Katie rubbing her feet with her ice cream on her lap then she sent it off to Chloe with a message underneath.

Beca: My kind of treatment. ;) How'd your fishing go?

Beca got a reply almost immediately.

Chloe: I've been waiting for an update! How'd the contest go? Pretty good by the looks of things. The fishing trip was good! I caught a massive codfish that we cooked up for lunch! #veryproudginger

Beca: That's great, baby! My contest went well except for the fact that I broke my right wrist and sprained my left ankle, but I survived!

Beca was awaiting a text from Chloe but instead, she was met with a phone call.

"Hey, baby," Beca answered, which caught Katie's attention.

"BECA! What the Hell happened? I told you to be careful!" Chloe exclaimed but Beca knew her tone was only a worried one, not an angry one.

"Alright, calm down. It wasn't my fault, okay? I was going great, I was actually about to win until Jack ran in front of me so I tried to dodge him but ended up hitting a tree instead. Hurt like Hell but I lived." Beca explained calmly.

"Oh, Becs, are you in any pain?"

"Not really. The doctor gave me pain-killers so I'm still riding high on them, not to mention Katie's massage is helping."

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I wish I was there to kiss everything better."

"Me, too. Also, the doctor says that I'll have to stay off my feet for the next week or two, so I won't be at school until I'm better."

"That's okay. Your health is more important."

"So you're not going to mind if I miss a few days of school then?"

"No, baby. Your health and wellbeing are extremely important. I'm sure your teachers will cut you some slack."

"You - yes. Miss Posen - not so much."

"I'll tell her to go easy on you. She doesn't hate you, you know?"

"I beg to differ! You should see how she scolds me in class."

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