Chapter XLV

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It was Chloe's birthday and unfortunately, it landed on a Friday, meaning that the redhead had to work but it was also good since Beca was able to stay over at her apartment that night and the night after. As soon as she woke up, Chloe was greeted with text messages from Beca who wished her the best birthday in the world and how excited she was for their date later that evening. Chloe loved birthdays, and sometimes she'd love other people's more than her own since she was such a giver and loved celebrating.

The redhead got up and did her usual routine before going to work. When she arrived in the staff room, she was greeted with balloons and streamers everywhere with multiple teachers yelling "surprise!"

"Oh my God!" Chloe gasped, covering her mouth as she laughed.

"Happy Birthday!" Tom smiled.

"You planned this, didn't you?"

"I might have," he smirked.

"Of course you did all this! Thank you!" She walked over to the man and gave him a hug. "This is so sweet. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Red." He gave her a squeeze then let her go so she could mingle with the other teachers.

It was a wonderful start to Chloe's day and she couldn't wait to celebrate it with her girlfriend once school was over.


It was time for English and Chloe was having the most wonderful day yet. Tom had gone out of his way to make the day extra special for the woman. He got all of the teachers to chip in to get her a present, which was a massive basket full of all sorts of things. Tom also got Chloe a personal gift, which took him ages to get. He initially thought of getting her a bracelet but any form of jewellery would be overstepping their friendship boundary and the only person who could get the redhead jewellery was Beca. So, the man opted for a laptop case, which Chloe constantly spoke of getting but never did. He also got her some flowers since he knew how much Chloe liked them. Tom still did have feelings for the woman but he respected Chloe's relationship with Beca. 

Even though Chloe's day was going superb, the teacher was still yet to see Beca. They had texted throughout the day, Chloe frequently asking where the brunette was. The couple would always pass each other through the halls or outside when Chloe was on yard duty but she hadn't seen the younger woman all day. She asked Beca if she was at school and the student told her that she was but she was keeping herself hidden from the redhead for a reason, and a good one at that. But Chloe was sceptical when Beca failed to show up with Stacie when English had commenced.

Chloe waited for the brunette to show up but once everyone was in class, Chloe had to start the lesson without her.

"Hello, everyone! If you can get out your homework from yesterday we can go over it."

The students obeyed and there was still no sign of Beca, which was odd since Beca was never late to English.

"Alright, now, question one - what themes are displayed in-" Chloe was cut off when the classroom door opened and in walked Beca.

Chloe's mouth dropped open at the sight of the brunette in an extremely short black skirt, a red low-cut top, which complemented her push-up bra perfectly, a black bomber jacket, and black boots. Her hair was down and straight and she wore more makeup than usual such as lipstick, foundation, and blush.

"Sorry I'm late, Miss Beale," Beca said innocently as Chloe just stared at her.

"Ah, that, that's okay, Beca. Um..." Chloe had to quickly compose herself before the other students caught on. "Just sit down and get out your homework from yesterday."

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