Chapter VII

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Chloe couldn't stop thinking about the note she found yesterday. Last night she read it over and over trying to make more sense of it but she figured that she would have to ask either Stacie or Beca what it meant. Chloe didn't want to stick her nose in other people's business but when a mysterious note had her name on it, she had every right to pry so that's what she decided to do today after English.

The students were all doing their work quietly and Chloe noticed Stacie scribbling on a piece of paper earlier in class and she knew that it wasn't work related. Chloe wanted to take it from the tall brunette but she thought she would just leave it and ask Beca to hand it over if Stacie gave it to her friend. Even though Chloe was aware of Stacie monitoring what she was doing, the redhead didn't stop her stares, smiles, and gazes at Beca - she just couldn't help it.

Today Beca was wearing grey skinny cargo pants, black boots, a red top, which showed a little bit of cleavage, and a dark grey jacket. Her hair was down and wavy and her dark eyeliner made her eyes really pop. Chloe was more than a little distracted since her eyes kept falling down onto Beca's cleavage. She tried hard not to stare but when everyone was working, Chloe took advantage of Beca not looking at her and stared at her breasts. She made sure that Stacie wasn't looking when she checked her out, at least she tried to anyway.

The bell rang for the end of the day and Chloe dismissed the class who were eager to go home.

"Beca, could you stay behind, please?" Chloe requested.

Beca and Stacie exchanged looks but Stacie only winked at her friend before leaving as well as giving her another note. Beca frowned before making her way to the front of the classroom where Chloe was.

"Yes, Miss Beale?" Beca prompted, which made Chloe turn around from the board and lean against her desk.

The redhead stepped over to her desk and grabbed the piece of paper she found yesterday and showed it to Beca.

"What is this?" Chloe probed.

Beca frowned at the paper then took it and read it. She hadn't seen it before but she quickly recognised Stacie's handwriting and her 'point system'. Beca's face went red within seconds and she felt her heart rate spike.

"Umm... I, ah... I..." Beca didn't know what to say. 

She felt like she shouldn't have to explain Stacie's notes since the whole thing was Stacie's idea, but Chloe had requested Beca and only Beca.

"I found it on the floor yesterday after you left. It has both your name and my name on it. So, can you tell me what it is?" Chloe wasn't angry at the student, she was just curious and a little bit anxious.

Beca swallowed hard. She honestly didn't know what to tell her teacher.

"That's Stacie's handwriting. It's her note." Beca explained.

"And it's her note to you just like the one she gave you a minute ago. May I see it?"

Beca had no other option to comply. Chloe took the note and read it.

1. Strong eye contact.

2. Big smiling.

3. Constant gazing.

4. Ogling of boobs.

Total: 4 Points! 9 Points in just two days!

"What do these points mean, Beca?" Chloe asked, embarrassed that Stacie caught her starting at Beca's boobs.

"I... I can't tell you." Beca finally said.

"What do you mean you can't tell me? Beca, you and Stacie are exchanging notes about me in class. I have the right to give you a detention and-" Chloe was cut off when Beca lunged forward, cupped the redhead's face, and planted her lips on hers.

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