Chapter XL

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Today was the day. Today was the day where Beca Mitchell would finally see her father. Her father who abused her and her mother for years until the man got arrested and never saw his family again. Katherine kept her word and saw Beca's father before she did. Katherine was shocked when she saw the man again. She was nervous, to say the least, but she did it for her daughter. She would do anything for her daughter and she admired Beca for wanting to see the man that impacted her life more than she would have liked.

Beca had the full support of her mother, her girlfriend, and her friends. All of them thought that Beca's decision was brave and that the young woman was unbelievably strong. They all knew how much the brunette despised her father. Every time Beca talked about him to Chloe the redhead got angry and wanted to pay the man a visit herself. She hated him for what he did to Beca and her mother but she had to put her feelings aside and support her girlfriend.

Another week had passed, meaning that it was the weekend again. It was a Saturday morning when Beca was going to see her father in prison. She woke up alone since Chloe was busy preparing for the exams that were going to commence the following week. Chloe told Beca that she was more than willing to stay over at her house for support but Beca convinced the redhead that she needed to put her work first. Chloe was hesitant but she eventually complied. She had texted Beca a lot the previous night making sure that she was okay and talking through her emotions. Beca was nervous but she felt like she needed to do this and Chloe understood.

I'm going to see my father today, was the first thought in Beca's mind once she woke up. She was going to see him and she knew it was going to be different. She hoped that it was going to be different. Her mother had told her that her father had indeed changed. If he hadn't then Beca wouldn't have been able to go and see him. When Katherine told Beca that she could go visit her father the student was shocked. She was at a loss for words. Even though she and her mother both received heartfelt letters, she wasn't expecting her mother to allow her to see her father. A part of her had that doubt that the man was just playing tricks and she didn't want to believe it but she had to prepare for the worst. She didn't want to get her hopes up, not that she ever thought that she'd get her hopes up for her father, but she did.

Beca flung her legs out of bed and stretched. She stretched every muscle in her body, feeling the blood rush into them, making the brunette groan with satisfaction. After that, she stood and walked out of her room and into the bathroom. She stripped off her clothes, turned on the shower, and hopped in under the warm water. Beca put her head under the water, letting it rush over her hair and face, waking her up more. Beca was quite fond of having morning showers. They were a great way to wake up and prepare her for a new day. She washed her hair, her face, her body, which left her feeling nice and refreshed.

She got out of the shower, blow-dried her hair, then returned to her bedroom and walked over to her drawers. The brunette pulled out a pair of black jeans and slipped them on over her underwear. She then grabbed a grey t-shirt and a red and black flannel and put them on after putting on her bra. She went over to her shoe collection and slipped on a pair of grey lace-up boots. Once she was dressed, she looked herself up and down in her full-length mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, Beca walked downstairs to where her mother was making breakfast.

The delectable scent filled Beca's nose and made her stomach grumble. Katherine made Beca's favourite - chocolate-chip pancakes with fruit on the side. Beca sat down at the table and ate her breakfast as she felt it fill her stomach with each bite. She and Katherine talked about the day and how Beca was feeling. The daughter reassured her mother that she was prepared to see her father and that she was ready for whatever was going to happen. Beca listened to every word her mother said and it didn't frighten her in any way. She was still determined and willing to see her father. She wasn't going to change her mind. She still wanted to take advantage of her father's sober state and talk to him.

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