Chapter XXXIII

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A month had now passed and Beca's ankle made a full recovery with her wrist still on the mend. She had almost another month to go before her cast got removed. The cast annoyed her at first but she quickly got used to it. As soon as her ankle was better she returned to school and was greeted with a small welcome back party by her friends. In her Senior year, Beca grew quite fond of school and didn't realise how much she missed it when she went back. She missed seeing her friends every day as well as her beautiful girlfriend who welcomed the brunette back happily.

Even though Chloe felt a little awkward being around Katherine, she became more comfortable the more she was at Beca's house. The redhead made the effort to visit Beca nearly every day, making sure that the student was feeling okay, that she was up to date with her homework, and that she wasn't forgotten about. Beca's friends also visited her so she was never alone or bored. Chloe often stayed the night at Beca's and helped the brunette get around. She soon became incorporated into Beca's routine, which helped Katherine immensely. Both Beca and Katherine loved having Chloe around all the time. It was as if Beca had a second mother.

Chloe didn't mind helping both Beca and Katherine at all. It was actually a good stress relief for the redhead. She didn't have to worry about whether or not Beca was okay because she would be there almost every day after school and on the weekends to look after her. It was a routine she had. She would have her breakfast, go to school, stay behind to finish off any work that needed to be done. She would then go home, eat something small, grab her overnight bag that she prepared the night before if she planned to stay the night, and head over to Beca's and look after her. All three women loved the routine and Chloe continued on with it even when Beca's ankle healed up.

Beca was more than thrilled when Coach McCarran allowed her to return to soccer, Chloe, however, was still skeptical. Every time Beca had training Chloe stressed to the brunette to be super careful. The teacher was even tempted to tell Coach McCarran to make sure the other players gave Beca plenty of space but she knew that would be taking things too far if she did that. Since Chloe had looked after her girlfriend for so long, the two grew closer together and they learned so much more about each other as well.

Beca knew that Chloe would get quite short or fidgety when she was worried. Chloe knew that whenever Beca was tired she'd go quiet and zone out frequently. Chloe even picked up that Beca would always have a hot chocolate after eating spicy food so she began making them for the brunette without asking. Beca learned that Chloe often needed shoulder and neck rubs due to her hunching over her desk grading papers and using her computer. They learned so much about each other in so little time, which caused their bond to flourish every day. They didn't even have to speak sometimes for the other to understand what they were feeling or saying. All they had to do was give each other a look and the other one would know what was going through their mind.

Another week of school had concluded and Chloe was sitting on Beca's bedroom floor between the brunette's legs as she gave the redhead's neck a massage.

"Whose test is that you're marking?" Beca asked, looking down at the paper in Chloe's hands.

"Josh Whitmore's. I was supposed to do this at school but I completely forgot so I have to do it now so I have the weekend free."

"Is he going to get an A?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Oh, come on! Why not?"

"Because it's confidential."

"But everyone tells their friends what grade they got. Why can't you just tell me? It's not like I'm going to tell anyone."

"What people do with their results is their choice. It's my responsibility as a teacher to maintain a strict student/teacher confidentiality relationship."

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