Chapter XXII

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The next day Beca was kept off school where she was taken to the police station by her mother to make sure that the police caught the right man and that Beca could give her statement. Beca almost cried again when she saw the mugshot of her father but Katherine made sure that her daughter didn't have to look at the man's face any more than she had to.

Once all the legalities were sorted, Katherine took Beca out for the rest of the day shopping and doing things that Beca enjoyed. Katherine felt nothing but guilt. She had lived with a man who was a chronic alcoholic and abusive and she brought a little baby girl into that environment. If only she could turn back time...

Chloe tried to get a hold of Beca but the brunette wasn't focused on her phone. She had actually left it at home when she went out since she didn't want to be disturbed by anyone. The last thing she wanted was to be bombarded with texts and calls by her friends who would all apologise and wish her the best. Beca knew their hearts were in the right place but she just didn't want any of it. She didn't want sympathy - she just wanted it all to blow over and for things to go back to normal.

When Chloe noticed that Beca wasn't at school she knew something was up so, at the end of English class the redhead kept Stacie behind.

"Where is Beca?" Chloe asked.

"She's out with her mom today."

"Is everything okay?"

Stacie wasn't sure whether or not she should tell the redhead. She knew Beca hated when people knew what was going on in her personal life but she saw the concern in Chloe's eyes and succumbed.

"Not really. We were out last night and she... she saw her dad."

"Her dad?"

"Yeah, he was drunk and... he hit her a few times."

"Oh my God!" Chloe shrieked. "Is she okay?"

"Her lip got cut open and it was swollen, but I don't know how it looks now. I'm going to see her after school to check on her."

"Oh my God..." Chloe uttered, feeling her chest tighten.

Beca was attacked and Chloe wasn't there to protect her. If Chloe hadn't broken things off with the brunette then none of that would have happened. The more Chloe thought about it the more she felt sick to her stomach.

"What time are you planning on going to see her?" Chloe asked.

"Straight after school."

"Okay, do you think you can give me her address?"

"Ah... I suppose... Why?"

"Because I want to go and visit her. I feel so guilty..."

"But didn't you break up?"

"Yes, but I've realised that doing so was stupid so I want to go see her to make amends as well as make sure she's okay."

"Wait... You're going to get back together with her?"

"Yes, I tried calling her last night but she didn't answer."

"You hurt her bad, Chloe. Do you think she's going to take you back after what you did?" Stacie was a little angry at the redhead.

The tall brunette was very protective of her friends and after seeing how much pain Chloe had put Beca through, Stacie held a grudge against her teacher.

Chloe sighed.

"I know I made a mistake and I've realised that I can't keep cutting people off just in case they might hurt me. What happened between Beca and Hayley wasn't Beca's fault, and it wasn't really Hayley's fault either. She didn't know Beca was in a relationship and she was going through a lot. She kissed Beca without thinking and with everything she's going through you can't really blame her."

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