Chapter V

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It was Saturday and Chloe was having a nice relaxing spa day with Aubrey. Both women had a successful first week and wanted to treat themselves. They both had come so far and they were proud of one another for getting to where they were.

"So, what plans do you have tomorrow?" Chloe asked as she and Aubrey were sitting in the sauna.

"My sister's in town so I'm going to see her. I haven't seen her in a while so it'll be good to catch up." Aubrey answered.

"That'll be nice."

"What about you?"

"Tom asked me out for dinner."

"Oh! Did he now?" Aubrey smiled.

"Yes, but we're only going as friends."

"Does he know that?"

"Not yet. I'll tell him tomorrow."

"Where are you going for dinner?"

"I don't know. He hasn't told me yet."

"Mm, mystery dinner date. Aren't you a lucky one?" The blonde teased.

"Tom's nice, but I don't' like him in that way."

"Why not? He's so nice and so handsome! Every girl in school would be so jealous right now!"

"Well, I'm not competing against students and I don't care what they think. You know me, Bree, I'm not attracted to men like I used to be."

"Maybe he can change your mind."

"No, I don't think so... Hey, by the way,"


"Is Beca Mitchell giving you any more trouble?"

"Are you kidding? She tests my patience every day! It's like she sets out to annoy me. Why do you ask?"

"Because she's a great student for me. I graded her first test last night and she got full marks. She's very intelligent, but she did come across as a bit cocky when I picked up her test."

"Cocky's an understatement..."

"She's cocky with you, too?"

"Smart-mouthed more like it."

Chloe breathed a laugh. "You have a tendency to attract the smart-mouth ones, don't you?"

"They are most certainly drawn to me that's for sure. Everyone else in the class is fine, it's just Miss Mitchell who likes to get under my skin."

"You don't like her?"

"I don't like her attitude."

"But you don't know her."

"And you do?"

"No, but I think you're being a little too harsh on the girl."

"She's a pain in my ass and it's only the first week!"

"Exactly - it's only the first week. Give her some slack and she might cool off. If not, then I don't blame you for laying down the law."

"I'm not putting up with it forever. If she keeps it up she'll get a detention and if that doesn't work then I'll transfer her to another class. Why is she good for you and not me?"

Chloe paused and thought, feeling her stomach flutter when she recollected the wink Beca gave her.

"Now, I might be wrong, and here me out when I say this but... I think Beca may have a crush on me."

"What!" Aubrey choked. "Why in God's name do you say that?"

"I said hear me out!"

"I'm listening!"

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