Chapter XXIV

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"Mm... No! Stop it! Enough! Stop!"

Loud cries and screamed were heard from outside Chloe's bedroom. The redhead shot up and realised that the sounds were coming from her main room. Chloe raced out and saw Beca tossing and turning with tears down her cheeks. It looked as if the brunette was being tortured without being touched.

Chloe raced over to Beca and shook her awake in a panic.

"Beca! Becs! Wake up! Wake up!"

Beca's eyes flung open as she jolted upright and panted heavily.

"It's okay, it's okay," Chloe reassured. "You're alright."

"Where am I?" Beca uttered, looking around the room.

"You're in my apartment. You're sleeping on my couch. You're okay." Chloe's voice was soft and calm.

Beca's heart was beating so fast she felt like it was going to shoot out of her chest. She was sweating profusely and her eyes were sore from crying. She eventually focused her gaze on Chloe and she was able to register that it was her and that she was safe.

"Chloe?" Beca whispered.

"Yes, baby. It's me." Chloe tucked Beca's hair behind her ear, happy that the brunette didn't flinch this time.

"Why am I on your couch?"

"Because you called me drunk off your ass so I came and got you and brought you back here."

"Why?" Beca frowned slightly.

"Because we need to talk in the morning - it's important."

"Oh no... Not a talk." Beca groaned.

"Yes, a talk, but not now. It's two in the morning." Chloe stood then grabbed a glass of water for Beca. "Here,"

Beca gasped as her eyes lit up at the sight of the beverage and she drunk it all within seconds as if she hadn't had a drink in days.

"Would you like a refill?" Chloe chuckled.

"Yes, please."

Chloe refilled the glass and Beca drank half of it.

"Are you okay?" Chloe sat on the arm of the couch as she watched Beca wipe the sweat from her brow.

"Just peachy," Beca said with heavy sarcasm.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I thought we were going to talk in the morning?"

"Yes, about something else, but you just had a nightmare that woke me and I'm a deep sleeper."

"Sorry... I wake my mom up, too..."

Chloe narrowed her eyes, trying not to let her heartache get the better of her.

"What'd you dream about?"

Beca sighed then took another sip of water.

"My dad."

"Did he hurt you in your dream?"

"Yeah..." The brunette nodded, looking down at her glass. "He just... didn't stop. He never stopped. Even when mom told him to, he just... kept going. He was angry and I'm still trying to figure out how we survived..."

Chloe's eyes filled with tears that she was powerless to control.

"I got so many injuries from him it's not funny - cuts, bruises, broken bones... everything."

"Beca..." Chloe whimpered.

"What?" Beca looked up and saw that Chloe was crying.

"I'm so sorry..."

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