Chapter XV

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Once Beca finished her dinner she went back up to her room and grabbed her phone. She thought about all the different ways she could have responded to Chloe's text but she cleared her mind and wrote truthfully.

Beca: Hey, it's okay, don't worry. Sorry for running out on you like I did. I'm just not used to opening up to people. When you asked me about the bar I just froze and I didn't know what to do. I've always been like that. Whenever I'm uncomfortable I can't do or say anything. It's weird, I know, but it's who I am, and I'll try to work on it. You didn't make me angry or upset me so please don't blame yourself. I've got to work on myself a lot and it's hard. I still do want to see you this weekend if you'll have me. :)

Beca felt strange for being open like that but she felt good that she was honest with her girlfriend and she knew that Chloe understand. Not surprisingly, the brunette got a reply within minutes.

Chloe: It's okay, baby. I get it. Opening up to people is hard. It makes you feel vulnerable and you don't know what the other person is going to do. I've had many experiences where I've felt vulnerable and the other person has blown my trust. I'm sorry that I made you freeze like that, I was only curious. You don't have to talk to me about it until you're ready, but it seemed like it meant a lot to you and I love knowing things about you. I hope this doesn't change anything between us. And yes, I will have you this weekened. :)

Beca: No, it hasn't changed. Like I said, I need to work some stuff out on my own. And in answer to your question, yes, The Harpoon IS related to my song because The Harpoon IS in my song.

Chloe: Am I pushing to ask what's so significant about it?

Beca paused. This was where she would lie or shut down. It made it easier since she was talking to Chloe over text, but she knew that she'd have to face the redhead in person and talk about it. So, taking a breath and lifting her trembling hands, Beca replied.

Beca: My father used to drink at The Harpoon.

Beca awaited a reply but instead, she was met with a phone call.

"Hello?" Beca answered nervously.

"I'm sorry, baby," Chloe said softly.

"What for?"

"I didn't realise how personal that song was. I'm so proud of you for telling me though."

"Oh... Thanks."

"Is that song about your father?"

"Ah... Kinda, yeah."

"It's beautiful, Becs. I'd love to hear more about it someday."

"Yeah... Yeah, okay."

Beca would usually feel strange and vulnerable, and she did a little, but not as much as she usually did. Beca would be in near tears but she wasn't. Why was it so different with Chloe, she thought.

"What are you doing now?" Chloe asked.

"Well, I just had dinner and now I'm mixing some music and playing around with it."

"Did you do all your homework?"

"Yes, mom." She chuckled.

"Good girl. What time's your soccer practice tomorrow?"

"Twelve 'til three. What time did you want me to come around to yours?"

"Whenever you want, just let me know so I'm home."

"Okay. I'll let you know tomorrow."

"Sounds good."

"Oh, by the way, I told mom that I've got a girlfriend."

Bechloe - Still In The DarkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant