Chapter XLVII

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It was graduation day and it was the moment Beca had been waiting for. She couldn't believe the day was finally upon her as did everyone else. The brunette was beyond excited to graduate but also excited that after the ceremony was done, she would be able to go out in public with Chloe and express themselves like they had both been dying to do.

Beca was dressed up in her gown and cap as she was sat in the front of the theatre with her fellow Seniors. The theatre was packed with family and friends of the students, not to mention all the staff that attended as well. Beca looked around for her friends, all of them with beaming grins on their faces as Principal Archer gave his speech before inviting the Seniors onto the stage one by one. He shook their hands and gave them a folder that held all of their academic results and stating that they graduated Barden High that year.

Once Beca had got on stage she spotted Chloe several seats from the front who couldn't stop grinning at her girlfriend. Chloe was so proud of her. Beca had gotten so far and achieved so much. Chloe couldn't tear her eyes away from the brunette as she kept smiling at her. Katherine was also sharing Chloe's grin as she constantly took photos with both her phone and her camera. Beca rolled her eyes but kept smiling since she was too happy to care much about anything else. She just wanted her graduation to be over so that she and Chloe could start their life together openly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the class of Barden High for 2018!" Principal Archer announced and everyone stood to their feet with a round of applause.

All of the students smiled as everyone cheered for them then Beca heard a strange chant coming from the crowd.

"Beca! Beca! Beca!"

The graduate squinted past the lights and several rows behind her mother were her cousins Katie, Meg, and Jack with their parents and Beca's grandparents. Beca's eyes lit up and tears formed in her eyes. She wasn't expecting them to be at her graduation at all. She thought it was only going to be her mother and she couldn't have been more pleased to be wrong.


"Oh my God! You guys!" Beca ran towards her cousins that wrapped their arms around the tiny brunette in joy.

As soon as the ceremony was over, Katherine took her daughter to see her family that were waiting for her in the auditorium.

"Congratulations, Becs!" Katie smiled.

"Well done, girl!" Meg added.

"I can't believe you're here!" Beca pulled away from the girls then gave Lisa and Markus a hug then her grandparents.

"Bec!" Jack beamed.

"Jack-Jack!" Beca picked up the boy and gave him a kiss and a cuddle.

"Bec!" He giggled, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck.

Beca giggled with him then he leant back and kissed her cheek.

"Hand?" He asked.

"Yep! All better!" Beca showed him her wrist that was no longer bound by a cast.


"We're so proud of you, Beca. You've come so far and it's so exciting to see you start your journey into the real world." Beca's grandmother said.

"Thanks, grandma. I'm glad I've finally finished."

"Beca!" Katherine called out and when Beca turned around, her mother was holding the camera up.

"Oh, mom!" Beca whined.

"Don't give me that! Now smile!"

Beca sighed then gave her mother what she wanted and the whole process of getting photos taken with her family took at least ten minutes.

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