Chapter XX

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All night Beca was thinking about the USB that she gave Chloe. She kept wondering whether the redhead took the time to listen to her song. Beca knew that Chloe most likely did but then again, the older woman was mad at her so she may have not even bothered. Beca hoped that wasn't the case but she was beginning to learn what Chloe was like when she was upset and so far it wasn't good since she wouldn't even talk to her.

When Beca had English she kept staring at her teacher who sometimes glanced at her every now and then but the air was still thick with tension. Even though Chloe hadn't spoken to the younger woman for just over a week, Beca was going to stay behind after class to talk to Chloe. She wanted to get things sorted because the past week had been killing her. It was the most grueling and tormenting week ever and she just wanted it to end.

"Well done, class. I'll see you tomorrow!" Chloe dismissed the class when it was over and Beca took her time packing up. 

She had to wait about a minute for everyone to leave until she was free to approach Chloe.

"Hey," Beca spoke.

Chloe turned around and saw Beca standing before her.


"Did you get a chance to look what was on that USB I gave you?"

"I did, yes. I was actually going to get you to stay behind after school so I could talk to you but I guess now is good, too."

Beca swallowed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Becs, that was such a beautiful song, and it made me tear up - honestly." Chloe smiled.

"Well, I meant it - every word."

"I know you did, and it really touched me. It also made me realise that what we have is something very unique and it's been an amazing experience."

"It has and, Chlo, I'm really sorry that I hurt you. I never meant for it to happen, it just happened and I didn't enjoy it for one second. As soon as she kissed me I felt guilty and sick. I never want to hurt you, baby, and this past week has been Hell for me. I understand that you needed your space - I really do. You've been through bad relationships in the past and I don't want to add to that list. Please," Beca took Chloe's hands in hers. "Forgive me."

Chloe stared into Beca's grey-eyed gaze and melted.

"I know it's not your fault, Becs. She kissed you. I believe you. I know you don't want to hurt me and I know that you want this to work just as much as I do. I really like you and I want us to have a future together and I can't wait until you graduate so we can be open about our relationship."

"Exactly. I just want to be done so we can be together without consequence. Being without you this past week has made me realise just how much I need you. I never thought that I'd be so happy with someone who was the complete opposite of me but I am. I don't know how I managed to live so many years without someone like you. I know it might sound crazy since we haven't been dating long but, Chlo, I... I..."

Chloe watched Beca try to get the words out of her mouth.

"I... I l... I love... you. I, I love you. I do."

The redhead hadn't heard those words romantically in a long time and she could see that the younger woman meant it. Beca was so nervous saying those words that her hands were trembling in Chloe's. Beca never said those words to anyone - she never felt strongly enough about someone to even think about saying them, but Chloe was different.

Tears surfaced in Chloe's eyes as she watched Beca's cheeks flush after she admitted her feelings for the redhead. It was cute and endearing and Chloe wished that she could have filmed the moment so she could replay it whenever she needed to smile.

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