Chapter XXXI

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Beca's holiday in Michigan was over and it was more than painful when she had to part with baby Jack. The boy cried when everyone was leaving. He held onto Beca's leg for dear life and begged her not to go. He thought that she was leaving because of her broken wrist but everyone reassured the boy that it wasn't the case. The goodbyes took a little while and it was upsetting for Beca to part with her cousins. She wanted to spend more time with them but they lived in Virginia so a weekly visit wasn't exactly an option.

Beca was on the plane with her mother and the brunette was about to take some pain-killers but Katherine stopped her.

"Before you go high on me, I need to talk to you about something."

"I don't get high, I just don't feel pain," Beca smirked.

"Well, as long as they're working. Anyway, what were you talking about with Katie the other night?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Beca. Everyone heard, except for your grandparents and Meg, thank God. If they heard they would have had a heart attack!"

"Mom! What are you talking about?"

"Who did you sleep with?"

"Oh," the blood drained from Beca's face.

"I'm not angry with you, Becs, I just want to know if what Katie was saying was true. I wasn't going to say anything until now. I didn't think you wanted to talk about it, I don't particularly want to talk about it but it's my job as a mother to do so and make sure that you're safe."

"What do you want me to say?"

"The truth."

Beca sighed and raked her hand through her hair. "Katie was telling the truth."

"Was it with Brittany?"



"The night before we flew over."

Katherine nodded and was silent for a few moments.

"Why do I feel like you're disappointed or something?" Beca spoke.

"I'm not, I just wish that you told me."

"And how exactly would I have gone about doing that? 'Hey, mom, just letting you know that I slept with Brittany last night'."

Katherine chuckled. "No, but I did notice how you were acting differently when you came home the next day."

"You did? How was I different?"

"Well, you were happier for one, and you were just... different. You gave off this vibe that something changed in you. I didn't want to think that my baby girl had taken the plunge with someone but that time was bound to happen sooner or later." Katherine's voice wobbled.

"Mom," Beca sighed.

"Oh, I can't help it! My baby's growing up!" She wrapped her arms around her daughter the best she could in a plane seat.

"Come on, mom,"

"Did she treat you okay? Were you alright afterward?" Katherine pulled away.

"Why is that a thing that people ask?" Beca laughed.

"Because it's extremely important. Was everything okay?"

"Yes, mom. Everything was great. She was very caring, patient, and understanding. I was nervous but she talked to me and calmed me down. She was great." Beca smiled at the memory.

"That's good to hear. How did you feel after?"

"I felt good. Like I said to Katie, I felt closer to her."

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