Chapter XLII

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"I think you should give him a chance, Becs," Chloe said to her girlfriend who was snuggled up in bed with her as they watched Netflix.

The couple spent a good hour talking about Beca's visit to the prison, then another talking with Katherine about it. Beca had explained everything to her girlfriend who was a fantastic listener and understood the best she could. Beca cried again but Chloe was there to hold her and make sure that she was okay. The student felt good talking to Chloe. The older woman knew just what to say and how to calm Beca down whenever she got angry or upset. It was amazing just how well she knew Beca.

"Are you serious?" The brunette piped up. "Did you forget what he did to me?"

"I'll never forget but by the sounds of things, he's trying. I know you're still angry and that's okay, but maybe giving him a chance wouldn't be so bad."

"Wouldn't be so bad? Of course, it would be! I'd be giving him what he wants!"

"Beca, it's not about that. It's not about that at all."

"Then what is it about?"

Chloe paused their movie then sat up, causing Beca to do the same.

"He doesn't want you to give him another chance so that he can come back into your life and ruin it. He wants you to give him another chance so he can change. He wants to make things right between you two and he knows that it will take a long time but he's prepared to do that. I haven't met the man but I knew someone who was in a similar situation with their brother who was a violent alcoholic. They didn't want to have anything to do with him but they gave him a chance and that allowed him to turn his life around. He got the support that he needed and he didn't touch alcohol ever again."

"So you're saying that if I give him a chance that he'll change?"

"I can't guarantee it but it'll certainly help. Your mom said that she believes him."

"She does,"

"And you don't?"

"How can I? I can hardly remember the good times that I had with him when I was little. I only remember him drinking and beating me and that's who I see when I look at him. He's still a monster in my eyes."

"What are you afraid of if you DO give him a chance?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question?"

"Yes, I am."

Beca sighed.

"I'm afraid that this is all some trick and that once he's back in our lives, he'll ruin it again. I don't know if he'll go back to drinking or if he'll just con mom into getting what he wants... I don't know."

Chloe looked at Beca staring down at her hands and took them in hers.

"I don't think that'll happen, baby. Again, I can't guarantee anything but from listening to what you've told me and what Kat's told me...  It might not be such a bad idea to give him some support."

"I was hoping that you weren't going to say that."

Chloe chuckled. "I know, but you know I'll never lie to you or say what you want to hear."

"Yeah... That's what I love about you. You'll always call me up on my shit and give things to me straight no matter what."


Beca toyed with Chloe's fingers, noting how long and elegant they were.

"I'll have to think about it, Chlo. I just need to sleep on it and re-evaluate things in the morning. It's been a big day."

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