Chapter XXVIII

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As always, Chloe was the first one to wake in the morning and her face was about an inch, if that, away from Beca's as she slept deeply in front of the redhead. After last night, Chloe was at a loss for words. The whole night was simply beautiful. Beca was nervous but willing to let Chloe be intimate with her. Beca relished in Chloe's touch and she felt comfortable with the redhead to explore new things together. Chloe was patient with the brunette and she went at Beca's pace, prepared to stop if it was too much or keep going. Chloe was more focused on making sure that Beca was comfortable above anything else.

When the pair had finished Chloe held onto the vulnerable woman and uttered, "it's okay, baby, I'm right here. Hold onto me for as long as you need to. I won't let go". The words stuck with Beca and they made the brunette get tears in her eyes. She had just given herself to someone and the feeling was strange but nice. Chloe had now owned a part of Beca that she could never reclaim and she was glad that piece of her belonged to her girlfriend. She trusted the redhead and she knew that Chloe wouldn't just take it for granted. Chloe knew the severity of Beca's decision to sleep with her last night and she was honoured that Beca felt comfortable and was willing to give herself to the older woman.

While she watched Beca sleep, Chloe kept replaying last night's events over and over again in her head and it made her smile. By the end of their night, both women were exhausted since it was both physically and emotionally draining for them. It was the best night of Chloe's life and even though she was completely content and satisfied by what happened, she was a little nervous about how Beca would feel when she woke up or in a few days where she might regret her decision. Chloe prayed that it wouldn't come to that but losing one's virginity is a big thing and Chloe hoped that Beca enjoyed it and definitely wouldn't regret her first time.

Chloe grinned at the sleeping woman in front of her then gently placed a kiss on Beca's forehead before gently stirring her awake.

"Becs... Beca... Cutie..."

"Mm..." Beca groaned with a frown.

"Time to wake up."

"Mm... No..."

"Yes," Chloe giggled.

Beca blinked her eyes open and saw Chloe smiling at her.

"There she is. Good morning, sunshine."

"Why did you wake me?"

"Because you need to get ready for your trip to Michigan today."

"Oh, yeah... I forgot about that." Beca rolled onto her back and stretched out, suddenly remembering that she was completely naked under the sheets.

Her cheeks flushed at the realisation, even more so when she saw that Chloe was just as naked.

"I'll get started on breakfast." Chloe kissed Beca's cheek then slid out of bed.

Beca gulped when she saw the redhead's naked perfection stride across the room where Chloe covered herself in sweatpants and a hoodie before leaving. Once Chloe was gone, Beca's mind rewound to last night's activities and she couldn't help but smile.

Chloe got started on breakfast straight away and decided to give the brunette a big meal before she left for her trip. So, she cooked up French toast with bacon. It was one of Beca's favourite breakfast meals so Chloe was more than happy to whip it up for her.

When Chloe was in the middle of cooking, her phone rang in her pocket and she saw that it was her mother calling.

"Hi, mom," Chloe answered.

"Hi, sweetie! Just making sure you're still coming to the lake house?"

"Yes, mom," Chloe chuckled. "I wouldn't miss it. I can't wait to see everyone. It's been too long."

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