Epilogue - Part Two: Insensibility

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I cannot move.

I can not fucking move.

I go through this every day, it's getting annoying now.

I took a deep breath as I waited around, my body needs to wake itself up.

I'm laying down in my room right now, it's about right in the morning and this little episode is about to pass.

In all honesty, I'm just waiting for this one thing to wake me up- oh shit, there's the alarm!

I stepped out my car and popped my trunk open, retrieving my portable keyboard.

I held my breath as I walked through the hospital doors, going straight to the elevator.

I pressed the seventh floor, releasing the breath I was holding. After about a minute, the doors opened and I was greeted by the two female receptionists.

They gave me wide smiles as I walked past, not saying anything to me, because this is our normal routine.

When I got to room seventy-seven, I took a deep breath before stepping into the room.

I left the door open because around this time, all the employees know that I come in to visit him.

My heart was beating pretty quickly, only because I was hoping that his perfect brown eyes would be staring back into mine.

And of course, he was still sound asleep.

I let out a long sigh as I started to put together my piano stand to put my keyboard on top.

I usually play a bunch of songs we used to listen to, to help him in any possible way. It's also a way to communicate with him, only because I know the brain processes music and rhythm well.

I was only in the hospital out cold for three days, after that I stayed for an extra four, so a week I was in and out of there.

But mind you, that whole week, Jahseh was unconscious, clinging onto his life.

It's the fourth day in a row I came to see him, and we're about to practice the song I helped write.

About a month ago, Jahseh left me alone in his room, and I decided to snoop around on his desk and I saw a paper with scribbles and drawings all in the margins, with about 4 lines written in the center of the piece of lose-leaf.

After the first day I saw him, I decided I needed to do something while I'm here because the first day was really rough. I don't remember the last time I cried like how I did.

I brought my keyboard and a notebook.

I set my stuff down and gave him a kiss on his cheeks, his forehead, and his lips. I also put a bit of Carmex on his lips because, who wants to have chapped lips?

I sat in the chair that was next to him and held his hand. I kissed his it and just took a good look at him. His eyebrows weren't furrowed like how they normally would be. They would be harshly bent with deep thought.

His skin was soft, but goosebumps covered every part of his arms.

Before I went to go play for him, I had a short conversation with him.

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