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"Well I don't care who you are!"

"Well prepare to loo---" Irene was cut off by her own moans. Her face turned red. She was distracted.

I then stood up and ran away assisting Natsu, Gray and Juvia away from the field.

-Natsu's POV-

"Where am I? Luce?!! Happy!!!? Dammit... Where are you?!"

I continued going here and there looking for them. 

No one is here... I'm alone.

"Not quite..." I heard a voice. I turned and saw... Zeref.

I glared at him and charged forward.

"What did you do to them?!"

"Attacking me is futile Natsu. We're in your heart. I'm here to help you help me."

Being the idiot I am I stopped my attacks and sat beside him. I think it caught him off guard.

"Spill it..."

Then I saw a picture of a woman, man and children.

"This is our family. We were living in a peaceful and happy village. Until... We met her."

I continued listening and looking at the...past. Until I saw Lucy underneath a tree.


"She was the one to change our life. She was the one I married. She was also the one who thought me magic. She's the queen of the dragons... She's everything. " Then an unfortunate event came by... Causing you and our parent's death. We have failed to retrieve their body but got yours. She took the time helping me find anyway to resurrect you, then finally we did... You are END. END isn't just a demon I made... It was a heirloom, Lucifer's and Death's souls. You have part of them and a part of me. That's what made you.

I believe I also said she was the queen of dragons, if you want to see Igneel again... I'd make her remember. Tell her... I'll be waiting for you."

Then when I glanced at him once again I saw Sting.

"Follow me!" He then ran away. I followed him to who knows where.

"Hey Sting, where are we going?"

"Sting? I'm Rogue."

"How di--- you know what I don't care! Why here?"

"What's your scarf made of again?"

"Igneel's scales and such!"

"But isn't Igneel red?"

What the...actual f---

"It's Lucy again!"

"Yes... She made that scarf..."

-Eileen's Flashback On Third Person POV-

"Let us welcome Eileen!" Lucy cheered.

Eileen looked around and saw the whole Tartaros, Deliora, Bloodman, Larcade, Natsu and Zeref.

She looked at Lucy with an embarrassed face.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asked.

"There's so many of you interested in what I can do..."

"I'm not, I'm just here for immortality." Tempester retorted.

"Immortality?" Eileen asked timidly.

"You see... If you're chosen by me you get to have a chance to have immortality. Though that doesn't mean you won't die... You just won't die of aging. We need this 'cause we have a plan."

"Ever heard of dragons?" Silver asked with a smirk.


"Well we're planning on taking some kids and teach them how to kill 'em! So when Acnologia comes for her, she needn't fight."

Lucy then summoned 5 dragons.

"They will be your coworkers!"

"My queen, can it be Natsu?" They all turned to see Igneel and Natsu playing together.

Lucy smiled and nodded.

"You 4 grab kids and bring them here!"

"Zeref, that sounds a bit wrong..."

"What's my purpose?"

"I can't teach kids dragon slaying. So I want you to do it! Since you are the first human to have that power."

"You want me to train these kids?"

"Yes!" The four dragons then returned with 4 children who are smiling widely. "Now you four bestow your power! Eileen will train them how to use it~"

"But...what if it takes over the human mind?"

"That's why you're here to help them. If they don't use their power for good. I can just take it away!"

They all gulped when the transferring began.

"WAIT! If you become a dragon sla---"

"You'll turn into a dragon? Trust me! I'm the dragon queen... If you do turn to one I'll help you control it!"

Then all five children started using their new magic.

"What's your name?"

"Wendy... Gramdeeney, where are we?"

"I'm Sting! Weisslogia invited me!!"

"Rogue... I'm here with Skaidrum."

"Gajeel, here with Metalicana!"

"Natsu Dragneel!!! With Igneel!!!!!!"

"Well I'm Eileen, I will be your teacher..."



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