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For the next few days, Henry just took us around New York. I've been here before, but I didn't really explore the place as much. I spent majority of my time indoors or in the library, anywhere my mother could dump me off and not get lost.

I had to admit. It was amazing. Being in New York was refreshing. So far, everything has just been laughs left and right. Even Tom, Henry's dad, was entertaining to be around. He'd either be embarrassing Henry with stories from his childhood, or trying to tease all of us to make us laugh. But Henry was right, his dad was a busy man and would sometimes excuse himself to another room to answer a call. Nonetheless, he tried his best to spend whatever time he had with Henry, and it was beyond admirable.

We all walked to Central Park, ahead of me was Morgan and Angel goofing around. There was a little bit of snow, but not heavy enough for people not to want to come out and spend time at the park. It was filled with toddlers with parents, Henry did mention a couple of them were most likely nannies. There were couples around too and the occasional loners enjoying a good book. I'd probably fit in that category.

"You having fun?" Henry asked and I nodded my head. I was just fascinated at what I was seeing. It was like entering a different dimension, and Henry just kept watching me smile like a moron at things. It was like I was seeing the world for the first time.

"You should smile more, you look pretty with a smile." Henry teased and my smile was replaced with a sneering look. He laughed and I pushed him off to the side and it became a little push battle, just like what Angel and Morgan had been doing.

"Look at these two, better watch out Alex, the handsome ones are usually the bad boys." Angel teased before laughing and walking further away with Morgan. I looked at Henry and he was just laughing at what Angel had said. But it made sense. But it also wasn't like I was into Henry. I didn't see him in that light. I think.

We all sat down at a bench. We were all just talking about the exciting food I had to look forward too. Morgan was practically drooling from the mouth when Angel was mentioning all the good food that was often present at the Harris family holidays. They inserted a few funny stories in between and we had a laugh. Morgan sneakily grabbed some snow off the side and slapped it in Angel's face mid sentence before running away.

Angel sat there in shock for a split second before decided to grab some snow off the ground and flailing it at Morgan. She missed and kept crouching down to pick more. Morgan kept teasing her by pretending to stop from time to time before jetting off to another side. Me and Henry just sat there chuckling, watching the two children have their fun.

As we observed the two, my focus was directed mainly at Morgan. It was good to see her smile like this. It's been a fun innocent week and she seemed to be having the time of her life. Earlier, Henry had whispered how happy he was that Morgan could spend the holidays away from her family. I agreed with him. There was so much unexplained things in Morgan's life, that her being able to escape it was the best thing that could have happened.

I felt a buzz on my pocket. I felt a bit of excitement and pulled out my phone. I've been waiting for a text or a call from my father. But I was surprised to see it was just a notification from Jacqueline.

Hey! I might not be able to call on xmas or new year's, reception is bad here, so I'm greeting you in advance! If I can, I'll try to give a call. But I hope you enjoy your holidays, BE SAFE. See you back home after! XO

I wondered if Jacqueline would ever accept my friendship with Morgan. I wonder if the two of them would ever reconsider becoming friends again. It wasn't like it would be a bad thing. But then I would be reminded of what Morgan did.

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