Jeon Jungkook

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"The world was too big and I was small."


It has been two years since that fateful day. Two years since I had learned what it was meant to feel empty. To feel so void of emotion that nothing seems to hurt anymore. And yet there is also this lingering ache that never seems to disappear. 

Two years and I had changed.

For being somewhat of a daredevil, it came as a surprise to everyone when I stopped everything, my life becoming one of routine. I woke up, went to the dance academy, then headed to the cafe for my part time work, before ending up home to work on homework and fall asleep. Only to wake and repeat the cycle again. 

Day after day. 

Month after month.

I laughed and smiled when expected of me. I pretended to be okay though I was far from it, and I had perfected it. I merely went through the motions on a daily basis. But behind my facade I kept the pain from that day locked up tight, unable to forget how much it had hurt and unable to move forward. 

The day still haunted me. It would come to me in nightmares and daydreams. It would taunt me. Hurt me. And I let it.

The silence was deafening after Jimin's confession as he looked to us all with a smile. It isn't until Jin mentioned for them to take a seat that I realized I had been gawking at them in shock. 

Both of them took a seat, Taehyung shyly sitting beside Jimin, not letting go of his hand. 

I was so unsure as to how to feel. 

Was I hurt? But I never had confessed so did I have a right to be hurt? 

Was I confused? Definitely. Jimin was my best friend, so how had he never mentioned Taehyung to me? 

Was I in pain? Of course. The love of my life loved someone else, what did anyone expect?

"How long have you two been together," Jin finally spoke up, breaking through the awkward silence that hung over the table. I merely kept my gaze locked on the pancakes that sat before me, however I had lost my appetite. The western food no longer looked as appetizing as it had sounded earlier. 

I could feel the others piercing gazes on me, but I refused to look up. To meet their eyes and to show them the pain that reflected within my own. Tears threatened to form, but I composed myself, willing them away.

"6 months," Jimin's voice came out as a whisper and I look up in surprise to see him not meeting anyone's eyes, guilt present on his features. 

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