Park Jimin

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"Please please please pull me tight, hold me."


To say I was shocked to see a beaten up Jungkook and teary eyed Taehyung outside my house at night, would be an understatement. I had quickly moved towards the two, first looking to Jungkook, my hands moving on their own to cup his face. My fingers lightly trace the bruises and cuts that marked his flawless face, and anger grips me.

Who dared to hurt my Jungkook?

The thought is fierce and possessive in my mind, and I'm almost afraid of it. Why would it be so strong for Jungkook? But then again he was my best friend, so it made sense.


"What happened, " I ask, looking to Tae for an explanation, noticing the tears forming in his eyes. He looked ready to have a panic attack and I instantly freak. 

How was I supposed to take care of him and Jungkook?

Before I can think of my next step, Jungkook pulls away from me, muttering a quiet sorry, eyes wide in fear, before dashing down the darkened street, disappearing from view.

He doesn't even give us time to process what happened, just leaving us standing there shocked. That boy could seriously run.

Tae moves to follow after him, but I grab his wrist. At this moment not only would we not be able to catch him, but he also would wish to be alone. And I needed to know what had happened to put both the people I love in this condition.

"Kim Taehyung, what happened," I know I sounded pissed. But that's because I most definitely was. Of course not at Tae, but at whatever or whoever had done this to them.

He takes one last glance down the street, a worried expression on his face. When he turns to look at me, eyes meeting mine, he breaks down into tears. Huge water droplets fall from his eyes as he clutches my shirt, pulling me into him to hide his face in my neck.

My eyes widen, the anger slightly melting away as I quickly wrap my arms around my boyfriend, worry taking over.

"Hey," I gently push him away to meet his eyes, my voice becoming loving so he knows he's not alone, "let's go inside, okay?"

He nods, the tears freely rolling down his rosy cheeks. He was trying to take deep breaths to calm himself down, but it wasn't working and as much as I would love to just hold him, I knew we would be much more comfortable inside.

I interlace our fingers, gently pulling him along as he follows obediently. Though Taehyung was usually the stronger one in our relationship, there was only one time before this where he had broken down like this. 

And it had been due to his ex.

Tae never told me much about his ex. All he let me know was it was due to him that Tae had trouble trusting me at first. Tae told me that the man was much older than him and had tried breaking him down, but with one remaining sliver of strength, Tae had finally broken it off, freeing himself.

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