Kim Namjoon

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"I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoes."


I place my glasses on the table, leaning back in my computer chair as I run my hands through my hair. A sigh leaves my lips as I settle back in my chair. My eyes travel over to the picture frames sitting in the corner of my desk, sunlight filtering through the windows falling atop them.

There was a picture of Jin, holding a puppy he had found on the street at one time. We had given him to the shelter but just before I had snapped the picture. Jin was all smiles, looking at the puppy with so much love and adoration. It had almost made me adopt the dog, but at the time we didn't have the finances to take care of one.

Another picture frame was the two of us at our first year anniversary. Jinnie was sitting between my legs, his back to my chest and my arms around him, chin resting on his shoulder. He had a toothy grin and even my dimples were showing with how big I was smiling, holding the love of my life.

The last picture was of us all, all seven of us. Complete.

We had recently taken this picture, at Tae's proposal party and just seeing everyone's smiles brought a smile to my lips. But looking at Tae, seeing how his signature boxy smile was making a show, his face literally glowing with happiness, brought tears to my eyes, and a single one fell down my cheek.

Wiping it away, I stand, grabbing my phone and wallet, I head out my office. Silently, I make my way towards our room, opening it quietly to see Jin fast asleep on the bed.

He was curled up in the blankets, his face barely visible, and I can't help but smile at how adorable he looks. After his breakdown a few days back, I had brought him home, holding him in my arms until he had drifted off. The next day when he woke, he seemed better, having cried the pain and hurt.

Of course the pain wouldn't really ever fade away, always lingering in the pits of our hearts. But, crying allowed us to let go enough to continue on with life.

Slipping inside, I place a quick kiss to his temple, pulling the blankets just a little more snug around him, before heading out. The weather is surprisingly warm, despite the winter months approaching. Thankfully I had only a t-shirt with a light cardigan, so the warmth wasn't suffocating and the slight breeze wasn't chilly.

Plugging in my headphones, I quickly make my way down to Han River Park. Once I arrive, I take a seat on a bench, looking out at the people passing by, their noise mingling with the low melody of the music.

The music didn't necessarily drown out the chatter of the people or the water of the river. Instead it added to it, a nice mix of the real world and the harmonies of music. I close my eyes against the real world, the sunlight warm on my face.

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