Kim Taehyung

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"Love blooms like cherry blossoms but burns and becomes ashes."


Speaking to Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung had made me feel slightly better, however the doubts had still not left my mind. Every fiber of my being was telling me to speak to Jungkook, but I had been unable to get ahold of him.

He wouldn't pick up my phone calls and would only give one word replies to my texts that usually consisted of him telling me he was busy. Jimin said he had been coming to school and had apologized, but seemed to be avoiding him afterwards.

I couldn't get that look out of my mind. The way Jungkook had gazed at Jimin, the pain in his eyes that I had failed to understand until this point.

He loved Jimin. It was as clear as daylight, and the pair of us had been oblivious.

I still haven't spoken to Jimin, too afraid to do so. It wasn't that I was afraid Jimin would get angry at Jungkook or I, or that he'd get up and leave me for Jungkook, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

After all, it wasn't my secret to tell.

Jimin was currently at school, even though it was the weekend. Something had come up and he had to leave, stating he'll be gone for the rest of the day. We hadn't really spoken about marriage after the proposal, swept away with worry for Jungkook. We still needed to decide a date, but hadn't gotten around to it.

I sat in my studio, staring at the blank canvas, no inspiration coming to mind. There were rarely days where I'd find it difficult to move my pencil or brush against the canvas to create. But when those days came, they usually did so because of intense stress.

Even the letter I had wrote seemed to be a manifestation of the current stress I was under. I still don't completely understand what overcame me that compelled me to write that letter.

And yet I had, entrusting it to Yoongi hyung.

Sighing, I place my pencil aside, getting up and trudging towards the kitchen to grab some water. I knew at this point I'd get nothing done, only be more frustrated if I continued to sit in front of the untouched canvas.

As I'm drinking water, my gaze falls onto my phone and I have an urge to text Jungkook once more. I needed to meet him, and I know today he would be free. His work wasn't until later and the weekend meant no school.

Before I can change my mind, I grab the phone, shooting him a text.

Jungkookie, I really need to speak with you.

Please can we meet up today?

Putting my phone down, I wait impatiently for his reply. Jungkook was bad as it is with replying, but lately he has gotten even worse. I'd be surprised that he even sees the message, let alone replies to it. However, the ding of my phone has me looking at it in shock.

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