Kim Taehyung

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"Like pieces of broken glass that I cannot reverse."


I look to Jungkook, watching silently as he points to the different corners and walls of the exhibition venue, letting me know where I should set everything up and the best way that Jimin would love it. It was still astonishing to me how pure and beautiful their friendship was. The way the both of them spoke of each other was out of this world.

I believe it is why at first I had been so cautious and jealous of Jungkook in that small moment. Because when I would hear Jimin speak about him, relaying some memory of their childhood, his gaze would be set adrift, he would be lost in love and happiness unlike any I have seen. It is why I had thought the two loved each other as more than best friends, but was soon convinced that I was wrong. 

They loved each other, there was no doubt of that, but it was as friends. If Jungkook loved Jimin as more than friends, he wouldn't have ever accepted me. He would not be currently helping me plan this proposal. And Jimin wouldn't be living with me, loving me, if he loved Jungkook in the slightest as more than friends. 

But it still surprised me that when Jungkook spoke of Jimin, he spoke in that same way. With that same gaze, with that same voice. 

To me it was a beautiful friendship, and I hoped that doing this would patch things up between them. Even I could tell that their was a wall between them currently, one not spoken about but very much present. 

"Tae," I look to see Jungkook watching me with worry, head tilted slightly in confusion. It seems he had been calling me, but I had been lost in thought. 


"Hyung," he trails off, looking to the floor, standing straight and hands clasped before him so tightly the knuckles turn white, I could tell he was struggling to get the words out. He was nervous and so I gently move forward, grabbing his hands before they strangle each other. 

"What's wrong, Kook? You can tell me anything," he looks up, fear present in the depths of his brown hues. But he quickly masks it with fake relief. 

"You don't have to do everything I said. It's your proposal and you should do whatever you think works best," he mumbles and I can't help but chuckle. The cute little boy was worried I would take offense to his ideas. He really was too sweet and naive. 

"Jungkookie, I wouldn't have asked for your help if I just wanted to disregard your ideas. Besides, you know Jimin very well and I want this proposal to be perfect. There's nothing wrong with you knowing more about him, after all you have known him longer. It's why I came to you. No one could ever give me a better answer than you of everything Jimin would appreciate. Of course I'll change things about, but don't ever say sorry for helping me, especially since I asked."

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