Jung Hoseok

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"All I wanted was to do well, I wanted to make you smile."


As soon as Jin hung up the phone, letting us know that Jimin was asking us to get to the bridge, we quickly started making our way there. I regret not bringing a car as we run through the snow storm, breathing heavily due to the cold that grips our lungs in a fiery freeze. Our footsteps thundered in my ear, heart beat increasing and irregular the closer we get to the bridge.

I can't help but think back to what Yoongi was saying earlier. In trying to be hopeful, I disregarded that looming feeling of danger that I felt as well. But I had thought how could things get worse? But now I felt as if fate had taken that as a challenge, and we are about to be delivered the worst of it.

Keeping my tears at bay, I follow the others wordlessly, never once stopping to catch our breaths. It didn't seem important in the light of everything that was happening.

What is only perhaps ten to fifteen minutes feels like a lifetime as we finally make it to the bridge, only to stop at the scene before us, panting slightly from the running. Jungkook lay on the ground, wet and pale, looking lifeless as no breath raised his chest up and down. Jimin kneeled beside him, performing CPR, wet as well as tears streamed down his face.

It didn't take much for me to put two and two together. Jimin's determination, Jungkook's lifeless form, both of them soaking wet, all of it told enough of what had happened. And yet, it seemed like a nightmare, and I doubt any of us wanted to believe it was currently our reality.

I merely looked on in shock, unable to process all that was happening. Each minute that passed in which Jungkook did not take a breath, caused my own to falter. This couldn't be happening.


Why would life throw this at us? Had we really not lost enough that now it was threatening to take Jungkook away from us as well? What did any of us do to deserve such pain, such trials? Why did Jungkook suffer so much to the point where he is at this point, wanting to give up his life?

I can only watch helplessly as Jimin continues to try to bring life back into Jungkook. Somewhere in between there I manage to call an ambulance, telling them in as least words as possible as to what is happening, and with them telling me they'll be here in five to ten minutes, I hang up. Silently I merely watch as the minutes are prolonged and there is still no sign of life from Jungkook. And a part of me wants to cry as Yoongi walks up to Jimin, telling him to let go, but I can't seem to form any tears.


Why should we let go? How many times must we let go to those we should hold on to dearly? Why was it that we were so okay with life just taking the people that meant the most to us? First we let Tae go, and now we should just as quietly let Jungkook go? Is that all we were made to do?

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