Kim Namjoon

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"Hoping that everything will change when we say."


It's been a few days since the proposal. Jimin and Tae have called several times, asking of Jungkook. We merely tell them that he is alright. That he is trying to get past it. That he will be alright.

All lies. 

Jungkook has not left our room since that day. He just sits there, barely eating, barely speaking, barely functioning. He'll just sleep or sit and sketch away on his notepad. Jin would feed him a little here and there, though he refused to take more than a few bites. 

We were just glad that he hadn't completely pulled away from us. The sketching proved that to us. Unfortunately, every page was filled with sketches of Jimin. 

He just couldn't let go, and I knew it would just continue to tear him apart. But how do I go up to him and tell him he needs to let go?

"Jin," I shout. I was currently putting on my shoes, back against the wall beside the door so I could tie the shoelaces while standing up. He doesn't answer so I shout his name once more.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay," he comes out of Jungkook's, or our room. A tray of uneaten food sat in his hands. It's as if Jungkook hadn't even touched it. 

Diverting my attention from the heartbreaking sight of food untouched, I look up to meet Jin's concerned and confused eyes, smiling gently as he tilts his head cutely. I hadn't told him that I was going out, and as far as he was concerned I was going to stay home and help him take care of Jungkook. 

"Yeah, just wanted to let you know that I'm heading to the café," I state, standing up straight, having tied my shoes, "Yoongi hyung called earlier today, asking to meet. I'll try to come back as soon as I can. I'm not entirely sure what he wants to talk about."

Of course that was a lie. Both of us knew exactly what Yoongi was calling me for. There was only one thing we were all concerned about: Jungkook. 

Jin puts the tray down on the table beside him, walking up to me. His hands pat down my jacket, straightening nonexistent wrinkles, as I just watch him quietly, my eyes roaming over his flawless features. Noticing my gaze on him, his hands stop on my chest, eyes coming up to lock with mine.

For a few moments we just stand there, inches apart, our gazes enough. I didn't need to say the words to express my love, and neither did he. The emotion was present within our eyes, and would forever be there. I just hoped that one day the sadness, concern, and worry lingering in our eyes would also fade. 

One of my arms moves around his waist, pulling him close, chuckling slightly when I see the light pink dusting his cheeks. My other arm comes up, hand cupping his face, the pad of my thumb softly caressing his heated cheek. 

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