Min Yoongi

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"Within a complicated world without an exit."


A tired sigh leaves my lips for the umpteenth time as I recline back in my seat. I glance at the clock, noticing I still have an hour before my next meeting, meaning I couldn't even go home. Not that I really wanted to considering it would be empty, Hobi not there at the time.

Hobi was back at work, though it took a while for him to do anything besides sulk and cry.

It was when I finally told him that Tae would not like us to put our lives on hold forever that he decided to move forward. Of course that did not mean that it didn't hurt anymore, or that the pain was gone, or that I wouldn't catch him quietly crying at night. I don't believe this pain could ever disappear truly no matter what. And with Jungkook gone the ache only worsened rather than be cured.

I jolt when there's a knock on the door, and I can't help but silently pray its someone telling me that the meeting has been cancelled.

"Come in," I answer, gruffly, putting my work face on. I realized a long time ago the kinder you are in any business, the easier it is for others to take advantage of you. Not just business, but life in general.

However, the poker face slips away into surprise when the door opens and my eyes land on the figure standing there.


Before I know what I'm doing, I stand from behind my desk and run up to him. I don't miss the terrified face he makes, possibly afraid that I'm about to slap him or punch him, but he is more shocked, as am I, when I hug him.

Honestly, during the funeral I had been hesitant to hand Jimin the letter. He looked so lost and broken, and for a second I thought that whatever the letter contained may drive Jimin off the edge of where he can't return from. But then I remembered my promise to Tae, and how he had entrusted me the letter. I couldn't do that to him, I couldn't not keep the promise I made him. And I had to believe that Tae knew Jimin well enough to write a letter that would only help Jimin, not make him worse.

"Hey hyung," Jimin whispers with a half-hearted smile as I pull away, and I can't help but let my eyes glaze over.

It had been close to two months since I had last seen Jimin, and it hurt that with Tae passing, it felt as if we lost Jimin and Jungkook as well. Seeing him here now was slightly overwhelming. I just wanted to keep him in my embrace to make sure he doesn't disappear again.

But I resist, instead gesturing for him to come inside and take a seat as I take one across from him.

"Where did you go, Jimin? You just disappeared, and it felt as if of one person, we lost three," I ask. I knew he was hurting. I knew I couldn't blame him for grieving, and I never would. But I was hurting too. We all were, so what do we do?

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