Kim Namjoon

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"The world is just another name for despair ."


I watch as Jungkook runs into the house, myself unable to move, still shocked as to the words that had just fallen from my mouth.

I cannot believe what I just said to Jungkook.

How could I say something like that to him? How could I blame him about endangering any one of us when I know that he'd do just the opposite? And how could I use Jimin and Tae against him.

Work had been stressful today. The kids weren't behaving, I almost lost my promotion, and some teacher threw water at me for one reason or another. All this had caused me to head home much later than I had wanted. I was upset and frustrated and when I came home to see Jungkook with a much older man something just snapped.

I shouldn't have taken my anger out at Jungkook, I understand that now, but it was too late. Instead of shouting at him, I should have made sure he was okay. The boy looked terrified and I hadn't made him feel any better by directing my own anger towards him. On top of that I only noticed the bruises that littered his skin afterwards.

That heartbroken and dejected look on his face is something I'd never forgive myself for. How do I even face him now?

Sighing, I enter the house, immediately being bombarded with questions by Jin.

"Did you see Jungkook? Why was he beat up? Why was he crying? Do you-" Jin abruptly stops when he sees me looking down, not meeting his eyes.

I know he can tell that something happened between the two of us, and so he gently takes my hand, leading us towards the kitchen, furthest away from Jungkook's room. I'm afraid to tell Jin, knowing he would react negatively, after all he had a special soft spot for Jungkook.

I did too, of course.

The boy had come into our lives when we least expected it, and had efficiently taken over our hearts. I remember how shy he had first been, especially around me. Perhaps it was because I usually stayed glued to my books, or only around Jin, but he was almost afraid to approach me.

The first time Jungkook had come to me on his own, without Jimin or Jin beside him, it had been for help for his English class. I remember his shy demeanor, words stumbling over one another as he asked for my assistance. And when I had immediately agreed, directing a dimpled smile towards him, I will never forget that bunny smile he had showed in return.

And thus he became comfortable with me as well as our days passed with me teaching him English. And since then he had looked to Jin and I as parental figures in his life, and we had gladly accepted that role.

Which is why I felt even worse now. No parent would throw something like that in their kid's face, like I had.

I am pulled from my thoughts when Jin leans me against the counter gently, back pressed against the cold marble. There was nothing romantic about this, he was merely giving me support as he leans away himself, his back resting on the kitchen island counter parallel to mine.

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