Kim Taehyung

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"I want to peacefully fall asleep intoxicated with your sweet scent."  


I couldn't sleep.

Jimin had gone to bed a few hours ago, tired from our previous activities. He looked absolutely adorable, curled up in the sheets, soft snores leaving his plump lips. I pull the blanket over his naked torso, him snuggling further into the warmth, a small smile on his lips.

I move to stand beside the large window, looking out at the peaceful view of trees and nature. I pull on a robe to provide some warmth besides the boxers I was wearing. Then as quietly as possible I slip out of the room, closing the door behind me as to not wake Jimin.

Phone in hand, I look at the time first, seeing it is almost three in the morning. For a second I think, but then without hesitation my finger hits the number I wanted to call. After a few rings, I'm met with a groggy voice.


"Hey, Jungkook, did I wake you," I ask, feeling guilty. Of course he'd be asleep at this time. Any sane person would be.

"No, I was studying and dozed off, don't worry," he lies so easily and I can't help but smile. He truly was my best friend, of that I had no doubt, "what's wrong?"

"I'm nervous," I laugh awkwardly, but I know he can tell it's forced.

"I'd be more worried if you weren't," he chuckles, and I can't help but laugh genuinely as well, "but everything will be fine, TaeTae hyung. You two are meant to be, and Jimin loves you very much. Tomorrow will be flawless."

Though his words were heartfelt, and made me smile, I felt as if there was a hint of sadness within them. And it made me confused. But then again, Jungkook had become a mystery to us all, not knowing what he was thinking or feeling or even why.

And though it made me feel like the worst best friend, I honestly didn't know what to do.

I had apologized profusely to him about Youngjae, noticing how he had tensed up in fear at his name. But then he had just swept it aside, telling me I had nothing to apologize for.

However, that did not stop me from feeling guilty every time my eyes rested on his bruised features. Over the week the cuts had healed and the bruises had almost faded, erasing that nightmare. Though little did I know that the nightmare had only been erased for me.

"Hyung," I'm pulled from my thoughts at Jungkook's concerned voice, realizing I'm still on call with him.

"Yeah, sorry Kook, just drifted off into thought," I laugh.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Youngjae," I answer in a whisper, taking a few moments before answering. I hear him take a sharp intake of breath, probably thinking I wouldn't hear.

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