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Okay, Lovelies, it is important for everyone to read this before I continue this story, this is to avoid any misunderstandings. I will post the next chapter tomorrow per updating schedule.

By now, I'm sure we all know Jungkook is not in a good place, especially mentally. The coming chapters are gonna touch on topics that are very sensitive and honestly very hard to write about, even. In no way will I be romanticizing anything. If there is one thing I wanted to show, it was that in life when we hit rock bottom, it's never easy to climb back up. And sometimes we make choices and we do things that aren't right, that aren't safe, and just overall aren't good on any level. But it is hard to understand that when you're going through that at the time.

These chapters are imperative to the story, but I hope they are also able to show how devastating our minds can be. How easily darkness can overcome that light we desperately hold onto. And when we lose ourselves to that darkness, everything, the good and the bad becomes blurred. I just want to shine light on topics that people want to ignore, because it's easier that way. But the truth is, it's very much real, and it needs to be addressed. 

Maybe in doing this, I can show just how wrong it is. That you have to fight. That you are worth it. And know that if you ever need anyone to speak to, to just have them listen to you, then I am here. And know that you are worth it and there are people who love you and people who will love you in the future. Don't give that up ever. 

Remember I'm not romanticizing anything, but if it still is not okay to you, then I suggest you don't read the next chapters. They are mature topics and because I continue to battle with depression and anxiety, it was hard for me to write this. And yet at the same time it was so easy, because how is not easy to write what exactly you feel? Or have felt...

With that being said, if anything bothers you, do let me know. If you need someone, I am here. And if you ever want to stop reading the book,  I will understand.

Love you guys!<3

The Truth UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora