Park Jimin

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"Will you stop time if this moment passes?"


I wake to the sunlight streaming through the window, a single ray falling across my eyes just right. A grumble leaves my lips as I throw the covers off and sit up, rubbing at my eyes. Looking behind me, I see Tae still fast asleep, soft snores leaving his parted lips as he hugs a pillow close to him.

A smile replaces my frown as I watch him. His blonde hair falls into his eyes, face slightly bloated and cheeks puffed up as they're pressed against the pillow.

Yesterday I had been called in to the academy for an urgent meeting of all professors and dance teachers. There were rule changes and we were supposed to be aware of them. Tae hadn't necessarily minded, but I had felt bad to leave him, especially since he was looking so worried.

Thankfully when I came home last night, he looked to be in much higher spirits. Even made me my favorite foods for dinner before we had a most loving and magical night, falling asleep in each other's arms.

Leaning down, I place a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away. He shifts, a small smile splaying across his face, but doesn't wake.

Quietly, I head to the restroom, taking a long, drawn out shower. The warm water eases the tension from my body, relaxing the aching joints that had stiffened from constantly sitting all day. A sigh of relief leaves my lips.

After showering, wearing some comfy clothes that consisted of one of Tae's over-sized hoodies and a pair of sweatpants, and brushing my teeth, I head out to see Tae still fast asleep.

Wanting to repay him for the dinner last night, I decided to make him breakfast in bed. So I gather all the needed ingredients, ready to make his favorite chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries, and a glass of orange juice.

The house is quickly replaced with the smell of pancakes and juice, the sweetness lingering in the air. It takes about half an hour to finish making breakfast for him and I, as I took time to decorate his pancakes with strawberries cut like hearts and whipped cream spelling out love.

I think he'll be awake by the time I head back into the room, but he is still knocked out cold. I can't help but wonder what has him so tired, but then again he hadn't been sleeping too well the past few days.

Whatever it was, I was glad he was much better and getting the sleep he very much deserved.

"Tae baby," I place the tray of food on the nightstand, moving to shake Tae awake.

He merely grumbles, pushing my hand away and turning to face away from me, lying on his stomach. Sighing, a soft smile on my lips at his antics, I turn him over once more. Quickly I bend down, capturing his lips with mine and swallowing the grumble of annoyance that leaves his lips, it quickly turning into a hum of appreciation.

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