Jeon Jungkook

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"Why am I in love alone, why am I hurting alone?"


A strange fear gripped my bones as I ran down the darkened roads. There were only a few cars here and there and the amount of people walking on the sidewalks had reduced to almost none. The sky had completely darkened, a few stars showing through the clouds littering the sky.

I don't know why exactly I was so afraid. The adrenaline that had taken ahold of me had wore off and perhaps that's what it was. But deep down I knew that wasn't it. I knew exactly what had me so scared.

My hands are still shaking, the blood present on my bruised knuckles is his, mixed with mine and I suddenly feel like throwing up. I abruptly stop, hands on my knees to catch my breath, trying to force down the bile that is threatening to come up. However, it is no use as I empty the contents of my stomach into the bushes lining the sidewalk.

Feeling slightly better afterwards, I stand straighter, wiping at my mouth and damp forehead, pushing my hair aside, wincing slightly as my fingers brush bruises and cuts. I could feel myself sweating and I'm not sure if a fever was taking hold.

I wasn't a violent person. Quite the opposite, sighing away from any type of confrontation. I knew I could defend myself but that doesn't mean I necessarily picked a fight at every given moment. I had never really been in a situation that required me to defend myself before now.

Maybe if I had been alone, I wouldn't have fought back. But it was the fact that the man terrified Tae, terrified my friend, the man Jimin loves, that I had completely lost it. I didn't even know I possessed such strength to fight back. Especially a man much older and stronger than me.

Of course he had gotten quite a few good punches in as well, the pain present every time I moved my face any which way. I could feel the dried blood from a few cuts, wincing in pain every now and then.

And yet that had not scared me. What had scared me was the possibility that Jimin would be disappointed in me. I had changed from being the bratty little kid looking for a fight, so when he finds out that's exactly what I did, I was afraid he'd hate me.

That's why I had run.

Righting myself, I start heading down the road once more, this time at a walking pace. I wanted to know who that man was. Why had he scared Tae so bad? How did Tae even know him?

I had wanted to ask these questions of Tae, but I knew if he wanted me to know he would let me. I didn't want to pry so I had stayed quiet.

An audible sigh leaves my lips as I concentrate hard to put one step ahead of another. I could feel weakness taking over and I know at this point that I do have a fever. But I didn't want to pass out in the middle of my commute back so I struggled to keep myself alert enough.

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