Jeon Jungkook

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"Why is it so dark when you're not here."


My eyes open much earlier than my alarm, the outside still dark, not a single ray of sunshine present. I look over to my clock, the bright green numbers letting me know it was only 5:32. I didn't need to be up for another hour and a half, but I know sleep is no longer going to come. 

It was a nightmare that had woken me up. You'd think I'd be used to them at this point considering how common they were. I'd wake up, feeling as if the world around me was crashing, my breath hard to catch. And I'd wake up alone, possibly the worst part of it all, knowing I didn't have anyone to hold me, to let me know that it would be alright. 

Groaning, I sit up, rubbing the last hints of the restless sleep from my eyes. Quietly, as to not wake Jin and Namjoon hyung, I head to my restroom, changing into a pair of jogging pants and sweatshirt. If I wasn't going to get any sleep, might as well try to clear my head with a run in the fresh air. 

And I do just that, quickly leaving the house to be greeted by the slight chill of the early morning breeze. Taking a deep breath, I begin my jog, allowing my mind to drift away. 

I was glad yesterday had been a Sunday. If it had been a Saturday and I had gone with Tae and Jimin, I'd be now sitting and sulking. But Monday gave me an excuse to be swept away by life's busy hustle, keeping me moving no matter how much I wanted to curl up and hide away. I'd be too busy to think of anything else, and even if I did think, I'd quickly be pulled into one thing or another. 

The fresh air does little to ease my mind, instead only reminding me of how every day I'd go on a run with Jimin. We'd wake up, myself using grumbling at having been woken at an ungodly hour. But one little pout from him, and I'd be out of the warmth of my blanket, ready to run with him. 

Through the heat, the snow, the rain, the cold. 

Through anything. 

And we'd run, side by side. Our heavy breaths mingling with laughter at one thing or another. It would be at a bridge that we'd stop, catching our breaths and waiting for the sunrise. Jimin always stated that he loved sunrises much more than sunsets, though he found both beautiful. 

He would say sunrises are the beginning of a new day. A promise of a new day. A beautiful miracle of nature. As dark turned to light, the world would be reborn, and us with it, ready to take on anything and everything. Sunrises were the start of immeasurable love, of faithfulness, showing us that despite anything the darkness would fade into light.

We'd watch the sunrise, each color blending into one another in a beautiful display of promise, the sunlight shining against the river that ran below the bridge, rippling with the breeze. 

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