Jung Hoseok

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"I shout for a miracle in this reality."


I couldn't believe myself. How could I do that? How could I slap Jimin and then run away?

I ignore the strange looks I get as I run through the building, trying to find an empty room. The tears don't stop as I run faster and faster and finally spot a meeting room that wasn't being used.

Quickly, I slip inside before moving into the furthest corner, not bothering to turn on the lights. Instead I slide down the wall, legs pulling up into my chest as I wrapped my arms around them and buried my head into my knees. And I continued to cry. Each sob that broke through me hurt deep inside.

How could I do that?

"Hyung," a soft voice asks, and I look up wide-eyed, not having heard Jimin open the door. He stands there, illuminated by the light filtering through the hallways from behind him. There's a kind smile ghosting his lips, and I hate that he doesn't blame me or hate me for what I've done.

"Hyung, it's okay," he whispers, moving into the room, allowing the door to close behind him and the room is enveloped in darkness once more. The only light visible is the small rays filtering through the closed blinds.

I push myself further into the corner as Jimin nears, refusing to look at him as the tears continued to make their descent down my cheeks.

"Hyung," Jimin sits across from me, and I can feel his eyes on me but I still refuse to look at him, "I know you didn't mean it. Please don't beat yourself up for it. Besides I may have deserved it just the slightest."

"No," I finally speak up, looking to see him watching me with the softest of gazes, "you didn't deserve that. I've just been so sad and now just so angry, and I took it out on you. I-I took it out on the wrong person."

"We all do things we regret, Hobi hyung," Jimin sighs, stretching his arm to gently wipe away my tears, though new ones take their place, "I've done my fair share of them. To Tae. To Jungkook. To you guys. It's part of life. The words I spoke to Jungkook, I regret. The words he spoke of Tae, I know he regrets. We all regret something, but we also can't go punishing ourselves for it. And I hate that Jungkook thinks he needs to punish himself, though I'm sure my words did nothing but prove his point.

"See, our actions always hurt someone, whether we mean to or not. And then we regret, and that's all we're left with. But life doesn't stop, it keeps moving forward and we either move forward with it, or get trampled and erased by the past.

"This wasn't how I wanted you to find out what I did, or what I'm about to do. Like I said, I regret it, and now I have to fix what I have broken. And I will, and I will find him and I will make sure that he comes back to us, the same Jungkookie that I first introduced to all of you."

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