Park Jimin

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"This eternal night with no end in sight..."


I rest my head in my hands, exhausted from lack of sleep, running, worry, and the endless crying. My tears seem to have been exhausted as well as no more fall, though the urge to do so does not disappear.

How long had it been that we were sitting here? How long since the doctor had told us their plan of action with Jungkook? How long since I had learned part of the horrors Jungkook had suffered?

When I had pulled him up out of the water, holding him in my arms, I had not failed to notice the skeleton I held. Nor did I miss the scars running along his arms and the bruises that accompanied them. But my mind hadn't even thought that Youngjae would commit something so horrendous. The physical abuse wasn't something I expected either, after all Tae said he never raised a hand on him. But the sexual abuse, how do you even begin to wrap your head around that?

The monster didn't just rob Jungkook of his innocence, but his sanity as well. And he would pay. Pay for the pain he put both the boys I love through. Even if it is the last thing I would do.

"We should have taken him to the hospital right away, Namjoon. Is this our fault," I'm pulled from my thoughts by Jin's soft sobs, and I look over at them.

Jin and Namjoon stood huddled in the corner, Namjoon's arms woven around the elder. He held him close, gently rubbing his back in a soothing manner as Jin continued to sob lightly, face hidden in the other's chest. Although Namjoon stood strong, I could notice the unshed tears glazing his eyes as well and knowing that he was merely being strong for the one he loved.

Standing, I move towards them. Namjoon notices my hesitant steps in their direction, shooting me a soft smile as if to say all was right, though both of us knew that was far from the truth. I place a hand on Jin's shoulder, causing him to startle as he turns around. Upon noticing me, he rushes to wipe away his tears, bringing forth a soft, but broken smile. I can't help but think how lucky we all were to have someone like Jin in our lives. He always stood so strong for us, and when I had failed to be beside Jungkook, Jin stepped up and guided him this far.

"Jimin," Jin asks, trying to stop the new tears from spilling, "what's wrong?"

It's a rhetorical question, him not expecting an answer back. At least not a honest one. So I keep quiet, merely nodding at him with a forced smile of my own.

"It's not your fault, Jin hyung," I mutter, the corners of his lips falling into a thin line, "if we were to blame ourselves then who will stand by Jungkook? Besides, you've done more for him than anyone one of us, and even now you looked out for him first. If you had brought him to the hospital, who knows what his reaction may have been? Don't blame yourself ever again. As you said, if we stop to blame ourselves or each other, Jungkook will fall through the cracks we create within us. And we can't have that happening."

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