Kim Seokjin

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"My happy times asked me this question."


I lay on the sofa, head resting in Namjoon's lap. He was currently reading another one of his books, completely taken away by it. But I didn't necessarily mind. I wasn't wanting much of his attention, content with lying there, eyes shut against the world, his long fingers running through my hair. A hum of appreciation would leave my lips every once in a while. 

I absolutely loved the weekend, finally finding time to relax like this.

During the week we were very much swamped with work. Namjoon taught at a nearby college, professor of the Korean literature. I had once snuck into his class and was blown away. Literally every girl and boy in the room seemed to be drooling over him as he taught about one thing or another, his deep voice carrying through the auditorium. The purple hair, glasses, and suit did not help one bit, only making him that much more sexy. 

It still makes me laugh when he had noticed me, eyes widening in surprise. I had smirked at him, glad to catch him off guard. But he was quick to counter attack, sending a quick wink my way, my cheeks turning red. 

There was no winning with him.

On the other hand, I was a florist. Nature had always been a love of mine, and so it came as no surprise to anyone when I had decided to open up a flower shop. Having majored in business, I was quick to set up everything, and soon things had begun sailing. Many frequented my shop, and I was always ready to help and teach others the language of flowers. 

My favorite were the camellia and heliotropes. The impressive, lush flowers, pink and purple, were present all over our house, each room filled with their fragrance and beauty in small vases. It is the flowers I thought of when I pictured Namjoon. The camellia stood for 'my destiny is in your hands', which was very much true when it came to us. And then there were the heliotropes. Many took the roses as a declaration of love but it was the heliotropes that meant 'eternal love'. 

And our love was pretty much to be envied, if I dare say. 

The two of us had met in high school, and there feelings had been borne that we were afraid to voice. At first we had pushed each other away, afraid of what others would say, but fate had something else written for us. 

Years later, we met again. It was at that moment that Jimin came into our lives, bringing with him Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hoseok. And we finally realized that we weren't complete without the other and as a new friendship was formed with the others, ours became something more. 

Being older than the others, I always had an urge to protect them, and I did just that. And while everyone held a special place in my heart, Namjoon stole most of it. However, there was another that I'd do anything to protect, anything to make sure nothing hurts him. Someone who I cared for as if my own child. 

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