Kim Namjoon

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"I wake you up from the nightmare for you."


I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, sleep evading me. Instead I think of what Jin had said, about how that ass had destroyed everything of Jungkook's. I may not know where he is now, but I know I will find him and I will make sure he never messes with my family again. I would put him through hell worse than he could even imagine. And I'd build up his hope and I'd crush it, just like he had done with Jungkook. 

How long had it taken to break Jungkook? So much so that he had accepted the life he had begun living?

But then the anger fades to a deep and unsettling ache in my heart, the strings of my heart straining under the heartache and the pain of unable to help him. Jin's questions had been right. Of all the people out there, why was it that Jungkook was suffering so much? The boy had always put others before himself. He had always given others a reason to smile, even if it meant erasing his own. And he never once complained. So why did he subject himself to such a punishment for a crime he did not commit? And no matter how much we tried, would we really be able to fix this? 

To make him whole again.

I turn to my side, pulling the covers around me, my eyes falling on the picture frames that sat on his table where he had left them. There was still the one of him and Jimin as children at the orphanage. He also had one of him, Jin, and I. It was from a picnic, and it had just been the three of us and we had managed to bring forth a part of him that he had hidden since Jimin's confession. The only picture missing is the one of Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook at the proposal. That one, Jungkook had taken with him.  

There is a new one there that Jin put. It was a picture of Jungkook at his high school graduation. With how much Jungkook hated school, none of us actually expected him to get through high school, especially with all the complaints we got from his teachers and the principal. But he had made it through and on that day when he got his diploma he was all smiles. Proud of himself as we were proud of him.

Jin had managed to snap a picture of him, in his yellow school blazer and the diploma in his hand. But it was that bunny smile of his, so wide and the happiness and pride was shining in his eyes. There was no picture like it, and Jin had found it shortly after Jungkook had left, blown it up and placed it in a frame in his room.

My eyes well up, burning as silent tears once again fall ever so steadily down my cheeks and wetting the pillowcase as I look upon that picture. 

Would we ever get to see that smile again? Would that happiness twinkling in Jungkook's eyes ever return? Or would they forever remain lifeless and broken? How does one even return from being gone so long? Can you fix a broken soul? And if so how? How much of a person do you actually get back?

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