Min Yoongi

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"Without you there's nothing."


I can't believe what I just heard. The words that fell so easily from Tae's lips has my eyes open wide in shock. I look to Jungkook who sat beside him, seeing the defeated demeanor from his hunched shoulders and downcast eyes. 

How was Tae oblivious to the pain of the boy sitting next to him? 

I know Tae deserved happiness as well as Jimin, but it hurt that it was at the expense of Jungkook's. 

A little forcefully, I allow a smile to show, not letting Tae know anything was off. I know Jungkook didn't want either of them to know his feelings, and anyone of us showing the surprise or hurt would only alert them. 

But at times it was hard. 

Hard not to shout at the two oblivious souls caught up in their own love lives. They were supposed to be Jungkook's best friends so how could they not see? Not understand the reason? 

The love we had for Jungkook made it hard to care for anyone besides him. 

I can still remember the day we first met him. He had been shorter than me, so cute and lovable. There was this air around him that would always just make you want to smile. It didn't matter how tired I was or how upset, when Jungkook was around me I was happy. His smile and laugh were contagious, and now it had been a while since we had seen or heard a genuine one. 

He's taller than me now, almost like proof of us having raised him. He was very much our baby and somehow always would be, even when we reach old age. But he was no longer that happy boy. Sometimes I thought he never would be, a depressing thought and I hoped with all my might that it wasn't true. I wanted him to smile again, to laugh again, to love again. 

But how could he do that? 

I could not even imagine being separated from Hoseok. From being more than a few hours away from him every day. But here was Jungkook, Jimin before his eyes but in someone else's embrace. Someone he was helping to plan a proposal for now. 

The boy really was much stronger than any of us could comprehend. 

"Proposal? So soon," I ask, looking to Tae with a small smile. His smile only widens at my question, though I thought he would be more upset. But then again, it was Tae and I didn't really expect anything different.

It's what made us accept him so easily. He was loyal and honest. He cared and loved from his heart, nothing from him being fake. It wasn't hard for him to win our hearts, he had stolen them the very first day we met. And he had become a part of our family.

"Of course! Our three year anniversary is coming up and honestly I don't think I could ever fall out of love with him, Yoongi hyung," a most adoring glaze fills Tae's eyes as he thinks of Jimin.

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