💖"I (finally) got his attention! "

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Maybe I didn't really do something impressive or showed off with an amazing (-unusual) skill, but you know what? I still got his attention- I STILL WON THE IMPRESS-HIMURO-TATSUYA-COMPETITION WITHOUT DOING ANYTHiNG AT ALL!

I mean, I got carried all the way from the university to the hospital and then the night it happened he cooked me dinner and bought it to my place along with a 'Get well soon' note.

And they say Chivalry is dead. I think not.

Although something within me is telling me that I shouldn't be 'swayed' by his looks and actions, the latter still says that it's a great idea to do so. But, I'm just like everyone, falling for his charming looks, the smile he gives you when he opens the door and all the other things someone in a movie would do for you. Years of fanfiction train you for this. This is what I've been reading all my life.

"[Y/N]-SAN!" I stood up to see him coming at me with his usual smile. Knowing what he was about to do, I outstretched my arm with my bag in my hand. Though it's been nearly two months he still insists that he helps me carrying my bag and walking me to class. He's such a gentleman. And all of the girls did was throw envious glances at me as we'd walk together.

But the way his friends looked at me kind of bothered me. It's as if I killed someone.

"It's sad not seeing you in the gym." He leaned against the door of my dorm, crossing his arms.

Heat crept up at me again, and I had to look away from him. When I looked at him again, my facade was up. "Can't fool me with your charm, Tatsuya."

He smirked at me. "Like I always say, you're a challenge I'd like to take on any day."

I nodded my head, pretending that I was done with him throwing lines you'd hear in a movie or read in a novel- fanfiction. "Move it, Tatsu."

Did I mention that we have nicknames for each other now?


"I dunno," senpai nearly choked on her food, scaring her beloved girlfriend. "He seems to be . . . what's the word?"

Senpai's girlfriend- she's a proud lesbian, that's not the issue here. I'm the issue here.- Yurika only sighed and reached out to wipe to wipe the corners of her mouth. The Unspeakable love between them is something I want in the future.

"I mean before I decided to bed this idiot," Yurika pointed at senpai with her thumb. Senpai was nodding enthusiastically for someone who's been called an idiot by their significant other. "I had to get through her facade, I mean it was back in high school everyone was in a state of extreme confusion."

"And when she finally did-"

"Wasting your time talking again. I see." Midorima said when he joined our table.

"AH! He put up a greater facade back in high school." Senpai excitedly said, pointing her finger at him. "He said he didn't wanna date a rocker and ended up falling in love with her. He's a bigger tsundere compared to you."

"He let his anger get the best of him and punched his best friend on the court, nanodayo."

"AH-HAH!" Senpai exclaimed again. I can never understand her mood swings.

"You idiot," Yurika hissed, hiding her face in her hands because of embarrassment.

"See, someone who loses his anger over the smallest things."

At times I wonder, how can she maintain two different versions of her on the court and of the court.

A girl passed by us, carrying an air of arrogance around her. "I beg to differ." She said.

His . . . ex.

"He's quite loyal and he's very lustful, I wonder how he's gotten around you."

"Were you eavesdropping on us the whole time?" I blurted out, irritated at the fake sultry tone she used.

She grew irritated at my choice of words and turned her back on us, stomping away.

"A savage as usual, nanodayo."

"She's only jealous," Yurika reassured. What's there to be jealous about when we're only friends?

I only nodded, watching her sit with Himuro's friends. Maybe I'm only a-

"The swim team looks very muscular, don't you think?" Senpai asked, eyeing one of the members form head to toe.

"I thought you were a lesbian."

"She's still in a state of confusion." Yurika deadpanned again.

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