Chapter 2: First Day and Back (P2)

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There I stood face to face with the Guys, all staring at me, and the car. I don't like showing off, but who'd say NO to a great beauty like a car, so I carried on with what was going on.  Zain and I waited for the road to be empty. We walked slowly and stylishly towards the footpath. Just about 2-3 metres back were the boys, all still staring at me.  Zain put his sunglasses on and then pulled me into a hug, 'brothers, you know'. 

" Have a Great Day Maya, see you later, sporty-gator", he sang. I smiled, as we parted directions. Zain went left and I went right, however, I had to stop because a group of people we blocking my way... The Bullies

"Excuse me, guys, please move so I can go", I said quietly yet innocently.

"Hmmmmm, let me think, N and O, that spells, hmmm NO", one of the guys snapped.

"Oh ok", I said turning around to go another way.

"Your acting quite weird, Maya, usually you're quite the prankster towards them", he said pointing toward the Golden Guys.

"No pranks this year, huh Maya, by the way, look at you", another guy said standing up and coming close to me, his move gestured the other guys to move close too.

You see this move made me want to smack their faces, I can really, but I don't wanna break the rules of me, being in a gang, if I fought them, then everyone would know about the gang, and I'm not letting that happen.

Suddenly out of no-where Jax Marshall and his group of friends aka The Golden Guys (5GG's) darted my way and pushed the bullies away, with just one hand, might I note, #Strong.    Anyway, then Jax, Jet, and Lucca gave them all death glares, while all of them took off their jackets, or rolled up their sleeves to reveal their huge muscles. I just hoped that they don't fight because from the corner of my eye, I could see the principal walking in his suit and tie towards his office, which might I add, we were standing right in front of.

"Jax... Jet... Lucca...., Guys, forget it, come on, guys please don't fight, please", I mumbled, as I pulled their rock hard bodies back and away from the bullies. 

"No, he's gonna pay", Jax suddenly shouted at me with an angry face, he pushed me away from him and within seconds I lost my balance and tumbled right to the road, where something hit me, so fast I couldn't even breath, much yet, blink.

"SHI******** MAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", I heard someone scream, well more than one person.

"Mayaaaaaaaaaaaa", they screamed again.

 I wanted to say,'yeah, I can hear you, what's up, what happened', but for some reason, I couldn't. All I could hear was many voices screaming my 'Maya', and all I could feel was some sort of substance gushing below me, I moved my hand around to feel where it was coming from, I felt it, so I forced my eyes open and raised my arm just so I could see, and all I could see was lots of people, especially a boy's head hovering over me, and some blood red substance.

After that, all went black.

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