Chapter 50: Final Fight P1

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Judging, by the way, their armed, they definitely have something grand planned. But that's just it, that's where we come in. 

We have two plans.

1 -- We put multiple trackers on and in the next victim, so that if he does 'disappear', we'll know where and that place will be where the girls are along with everyone.

2 -- We bust him out ourselves... 


"GET TO WORK", a man shouts cutting me out of my thoughts.

All the men grab massive guns, weapons and start loading them up. Putting on bulletproof vests and other weapons attached to their bodies.

"SET OUT FOR Uniti Warehouse" the same man shouts as everyone jumps into a jeep and zooms out for this 'Uniti Warehouse'.

"Zaira, where is Uniti Warehouse?" I ask her.

"If I'm right, it's where all the hostages are", she whispers giving me a look of hope. 

Heading back normally, Zaira and I begin to plan our moves.

"Ok M, we know that our victim is obviously with those guys. He just doesn't know it. How are we supposed to get to him or even convince him or even in general, speak to him, without getting killed? By the looks of those guys, they're here for US. They know who we are and they're armed. Even if we do, do open fire, there's a very high chance of US not coming out alive from there. Think rationally about this", Zaira explains to me.

I begin to think for a moment but realize there's no point.

"I will do whatever it takes, if it means my life in exchange for 4, then I'm doing it. Zaira, my whole life, I've been living for this moment, to know that I did it myself. I bought him down my self. He killed my family, your family almost, Dereks Family, he's Jax's so-called dad, he killed his own daughter, he's a monster and he deserves to die from the right hands. 

How long have you and I been friends, more than 10 years, right? I'm not promising but I'm almost 90% sure I will survive through the toughest because I have to be alive for my BFF's wedding. So trust me", I tell her honestly throwing in some humor.

"Fine, but then we have to be faster than them," she tells me walking to the couch. 

What I'm about to do will definitely break my streak of 10-year friendships with Zaira but I have to do it. 

"Yeah. Hey, I just want to say sorry for anything that has already happened or is going to happen", I tell her as she cocks me a brow.

"Awww Maya, no matter what you'll be my BFF, and hey, in our friendship there's no sorry and defiantly no thank you's (Haha SRK <3) ", she tells me smiling.

"Ahh before I forget, this is for you", I say passing her a big bag and putting it on the bed, before proceeding back to the doorway.

"What's this?" she asks unzipping the bag.

As she unzips the bag, I immediately head out of the apartment door and smash the door shut. Quickly locking it behind me and hitting the 'lock-down' button for the room.

"Maya? Maya? What happened? MAYA?" she shouts from the door.

"I'm sorry Z. I'm a terrible friend, but I can't risk your life for this job. I hope you'll forgive me one day", I say and with that I runoff. I hear her screaming my name, and soon the screams fade away.

I'm so sorry Zaira. But this is the way it has to be.

And with that, I head over to 'Uniti Warehouse'. 


Hiding outside a feared gang warehouse with buff men loaded with guns and weapons isn't scary at all. 

Them shooting at me isn't too terrifying either.

But them tasering me, is definitely the scary part. Tasers. Because when one is tasered for a second, the second can be eventful. People can come and lock your joints - which is very painful - but luckily not permanent, depending on the place it dependant on the time it takes to heal. But during this time, I could be close up, face to face, with William, no weapons on me, and surrounded by tons of men. 

But I believe in myself, so I can do it.

As night falls in the warehouse, my time to activate my plan has come. Security lights rotate over and around the warehouse. As the light passes me, I sneak into a place where the light doesn't reach. 

A door.

Climbing above the door and hanging onto a pipe, the door beneath me blasts open as 3 buff men walk out in a single file line. Walking approximately 3 steps from the door, the first one stops causing the other two to follow. He slowly tilts his head around, as I swoop inside the darkroom, as his head fully turns around.

"Thought I heard something", he says and continues walking.

Close enough. Inside the darkroom, I walk along the wall, nice and quietly, watching as lines of 4-5 men march into different directions. Armed with heavy armor and weaponry. Who do they think I am, some sort of indestructible war machine? Geez! 

"YOU GUYS, head into the guarding station for the hostages", he shouts as they change direction

Hostages. That's who I'm after. Quietly following behind them on a long road, I end up in another dark room. Still slowly following the men, I get the urge that something is behind me. Without thinking I immediately flip around throwing a kick in it's 'face', along with a punch somewhere else. 

Turning back to the course, I notice a big buff figure in the distance.

All of a sudden lights switch on and I examine my surrounds before laying eyes on the figure.

All of a sudden lights switch on and I examine my surrounds before laying eyes on the figure

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Jeeps, wheels, weapons, and...

"Nice of you to join me. Maya", a husky voice speaks...


Hey there Madridists, 

I just want to let you know that especially this upcoming next 2 weeks, there MAY or MAY NOT be a chapter released.😩

Things are finally getting interesting.😃

Even I'm excited about the next chapter.😜

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