Chapter 40. Morning Tantrum

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Maya's POV

Hearing that all my best friends were kidnapped by Jax's da-- I mean William, not Jax's dad. I mean his so-called dad. You get what I mean, right? Well, I feel super guilty. I was out for such a long time, I missed a lot and I wasn't there to protect my friends. Me having to lie to them is such a bad feeling. When we get them back, I'm gonna tell everything. And even more, Jax's 'father' is the man I hated so much. What if that is his real dad? Anyway right now, I need a plan. 

And some milkshake. 

Heading downstairs I prepare myself a milkshake and head over to the gym to begin working out again. I can't sit down and do nothing. I've been sleeping for 3 years. I need a plan. Think Maya, think!' I mentally yell at myself as I do pushups.

Up, down, back up, and back down. Nothing. Why is this so hard? I can come up with decent plans. The only thing I got is the basic, be armed, and sneak in. But everyone literally knows that, so they'll be extra on the security, and considering they have like 4 girls, they'll be extra careful because they know I'll be coming.

"Maya? You in here?" comes Derek's voice as I grunt in response. He slides the door and walks in.  "What the heck are you doing? The doctors said, you CAN NOT do hardcore exercise like this", he says gesuring an upside-down me. 

I smile at him,  as he pulls me the right way up. 

"Ok, how about this", he begins and starts looking around the room, and rubbing the back of his neck, "Let's watch Netflix and eat".

WOAH. OMG. Did Derek just say this?

"OH MY GOD. Are you Derek?" I ask in a fake shocked tone.

"Don't make fun of it. I'm trying here", he says popping his chest out. 

"Sure, sure. Let's go", I say pushing it back and leaving the gym. As we head to the TV, I sit down and begin to stare into thick air yet again.

"What are you thinking about?" Derek asks waing his hand in front of me.

I snap out of thought and answer, "I need a solid, safe, and secret plan on how to rescue the girls. Should I just turn myself in, in return for the girls, then fight my way out? Or you can bust in with the police", I suggest.

"Hell no are you turning yourself, he'll see you and shoot. And I'm not risking your life ever again. But don't worry, we'll think of something, give your mind 2 hours to relax while we watch a movie ok?" he says. 

"Alright, what movie? Or series are we watching?" I ask Derek.

"How about 6 episodes of Descendants of the Sun. Maybe that'll help boost your mind and think of a plan. Captain Yoo Si Jin helps you a lot doesn't he. In fact, he's like your first love, right? 

"Haha, how do you know I watch Descendants of the Sun??? Stalker much", I say. It's true, I do watch Descendants of the Sun, but that's one of the very few K-dramas I actually watch. (Vote if you love Descendants of the Sun). But Derek, I bet he asked Zaira or someone. Let's not deny it, Captain Yoo Si Jin is pretty hot and attractive, but he's the top of the Military, he's skilled, got unique skills and comes up with plans really fast. I look up to him. 

"I have my ways", he says grinning, as he begins the episode. 

*** MORNING ***

I don't know how long we watched but we must've watched for ages, because I woke up on one side of the couch, and Derek's head was asleep on my lap. Should I move? He looks peaceful.

Come to think of it, Derek looks so innocent and I guess, cute when he's sleeping in peace. Over the years, I know Derek's had a struggle. He's like me. And I'm like him. We've been through the same things and together even. I don't know but he's not exactly the same brother as before, something changed. He's more... closer to me than before, like he was close before too but now he's closer, I guess. 

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