Chapter 33: Answers (P2)

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Jax's POV

A familiar face... Maya.

Start of Clip***  

"Sarahhhhhhhh", screams Maya.

Maya sprints towards her sister knocking down anyone who came in her way, and stopped right in front of... Dad.

 "Maya, stay back, stay back", Sarah yells, still with tears rolling down her cheeks.  

"Grab her", dad orders. 2 men run up to her, one holding a knife and the other holding a knife.

They run towards her, cornering her, the knife guy comes first for her legs but she's quick, she jumps quickly, sliding her foot under the dude, twisting his leg and kicking him to slip and fall face down on the floor. Dead? Nah! The dude jumps back up raging at her with the knife, making her fall with him on top, he points the knife at the 13-year-old girl, causing a slight rip in her ear but she doesn't end there, she quickly elbows him and gives him a powerful punch straight in the face, then gives him one of the famous ear high fives and a kick through the middle. That's the end that dude. RIP! She quickly jumps onto the wobbly body, punching him left and right, she grabs the knife, stand up and swings it on her finger.

The second dude came in a stylish way grabbing her neck and pointing the gun at her head, causing her to kneel before my dad. Another dude came behind her, tying her hands. The guy dragged her arm and pushed her head down to face my dad. The dude passes my dad the gun.

"Haha, at least they'll be family around for your death", my dad's evil voice says. "Who shall we kill first, you pheasant or your sister, a bigger pheasant.

I stand up in anger. How could my dad do this? He killed her family, well her sister, that's for sure!

Dad walks up to Sarah and smacks her hard across her cheek causing blood to leak from places.

"Looks like it's you young Maya, you should've listened to your sister, stayed there and none of this would've happened, you wouldn't die, you wouldn't see your sister be taken away, you know all that shit, but what can we do, you never listen do you?" he said in his sour tone.

"What do you want from my sister, William?" Maya ask.

"Ahh I haven't explained, well child, you see that sister of yours has convinced someone very close to me, about what type of person I am, in fact, you may know him, Jaxon, my son. And for this sin, she'll have to pay by coming with me, however, you, little girl have done something very bad, and if you continue, there'll be a serious punishment. So I suggest you stay there and do not move like a good little girl, ok darling", dad replies.  

He comes toward Maya with the gun and says, " And now since I've already bought my gun, I'm going to have to use it, but for who, ahh, now since you know my real face, you'll have to die, little girl".  

He points the gun to Maya's head, kneeling down, Sarah screaming, He knelt down and Maya sprung her leg out hitting him straight in the middle, she jumps up, rips the rope with the knives, she must've been carrying the whole time, punches dad straight in his face so hard, even her hand looked hurt, which caused him to fall on the ground. He looked at Maya, shocked. His nose was crooked, with bloop spouting out. Maya pointed the knife towards him, however, he jumped back up and signalled his men.  

All his men circled around Maya and dad laughed, saying, "Hahaha little girl, to think you'd actually be able to win this, which cartoon were you watching". While saying this he wobbled towards Sarah and planted another slap on her face, causing a crack of her neck.

This made Maya's eyes bloodshot red. She charged towards one of the guys, kicked him hard in the middle and gave him a punch straight in the face, hearing a loud crack. The guys next to him, charge towards her, she clenches her fist and moves his hands away from her, and smashes him down, to become unstable, then swing him around, causing 2 other guys to fall. She walks up towards them to smash there faces. She walks towards one of the guys, who quickly pulled his gun out, but she grabs his hand and twists it, causing him to drop the gun. She picks it up and points it to him. Then she says, "Scatter", in a serious tone. With that, the guy ran away, which left her and one guy. She turns around, only to be slashed with a knife, straight in my arm. She smacked the guy hard, straight in his ear, and kicked him back, she pulled the knife out.

She charged towards William, swinging the 2 knives in her hands, she threw one to him, which pinned his coat and him to the ground, she jumped straight onto him, punching, kicked, smacking him non-stop. she continued until a bang came from her right. I got off him and turned my face towards the sound of the bang.

"S-Sa-Sarah", she shouts. There on the ground is Sarah, DEAD.

 A gunned man pointing at Maya raises his gun but Maya within seconds swings a knife which pins him to the tree, walked up to him, beating him up until he was unconscious.

End of clip***

"Jax", Ferhat says nudging my elbow.

"Yo Jax", Derek says nudging me.

"Jax, darling", Naz says touching my hair.

"He's in shock", Ferhat says.

"Why, cause someone did some bad stuff to Maya?" Ela asks.

"Because HE is Jax's dad", Derek finishes.

* * * * * * * 

My dad killed Maya's sister.






Maya's Killer.

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