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Jax's POV

"Congratulations to all our graduates this year. May you all become successful in your future endeavors. Thank you all for coming today, hope you had an amazing evening, thank you", the head of Sports Zone Academy says, as all the students begin to clap, hug, laugh and talk.

Everyone begins to separate in huge groups, heading out for pictures and all, while I head over to our group.

I notice Ash and Alina, Jet and Sofia, Alec and Zain waiting under a tree. I make my way towards them. 

"Who would've thought we'd make it through High school?", Ash says with a huge smile on his face. 

"Well to be completely honest, no one thought you out of all people would be standing here with me, but hey, things change", Alina says laughing.

Alina has changed a lot, by being around Ash. First, she was all quiet and didn't talk much, but being with Ash for 3 years has changed her a lot. She's become a lot louder, just perfect for Ash.

"Where are the others?" I ask looking around through the crowds and turning back.

"Well, Ella along with Zaira have gone to say goodbye to their favorite teachers. Oh and Lucca's behind you", Ash says pointing behind me. I turn my head back and see Lucca telling Ash to shut up. 

"You ruined it", he whines.

"No I made it more fun", Ash argues.

"Yeah right. Anyway, where is everyone else?" Lucca asks, then pauses, looking up at me and back down.  "Nevermind", he quietly whispers.

"Anywayyyy, let's catch some lunch while we're here. One last time, then we'll head over to Jax's place for the dinner party", Alec says bringing the enjoyment back in.

"Yeah", I nod and follow behind them.

3 years ago today, my 'dad' aka a murder was killed alongside the love of my life. Her body was never found because the building collapsed but it was clear she had died under there. My heart still hurts whenever I see her friends, her family, my family even. She died saving all of us. We're all alive here because of her. And most of all, what I once believed was a truth, that my sister had been killed, was all a lie. My younger sister, Kristy, came back to me alive, alongside my real parents. Naz and Ferhat's little boy, who is now 9 years old, came back to them. All 3 of her friends returned safely. Ela's (Derek and Ferhat's sister)'s husband was rescued. But one life was taken. And it burns my heart every time.

Tonight there is a feast for our graduation, at my house. The full family plus all my friends, all they're girlfriends which just so happen to be all of Maya's friends, Maya's family, including Ferhat's Family, Ela's family, Derek and girlfriend, and Jacob and his new girlfriend. 

Well, out of everyone, I'm the only one that doesn't have a girl. But to be honest, my heart aches when I think of liking anyone else. 

Each day goes by and I build my own fantasy of how the day would've been if Maya was here, next to me. We had such a high chance of being together. Yet I never got to tell her that. That's something I regret a lot.

Ding... Dong...

"Kristy, please go get the door", my mum calls out, but I go instead. I open the door and my mouth gaps a bit. 

"Woah, the whole gang came together", I say smiling. "Come on in", I hold the door open as everyone walks in slowly, handing my gift bags.

"Jaxy, ma boy", Ash says, grabbing Alina's hand in his and passing a gift back onto me. 

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