Chapter 51: Final Fight P2

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"Nice of you to join me. Maya", a husky voice speaks... Landing her eyes on the figure stands the criminal.

"Finally, you show your face, William", Maya confidently speaks.

"No. Finally, you come to me Maya", he answers back in his regular husky voice. William begins to move closer to Maya as Maya scans her surroundings. Doing a backflip, Maya collects the armed guns of the men she knocked down and point it straight to William's head.

Unfortunately, that doesn't make him nudge even the slightest.

"If I were you, I really wouldn't do that", William says as Maya loads the gun in her hand.

Within second Maya is surrounded by 7 men, armed with the heavy armor, and four men emerge from behind William. Getting a clearer view of who they are, Maya immediately realizes what is going on.

An exchange. 

"You guessed it correctly. You, in exchange for all three. Think about it Maya, 3 lives just for one. It doesn't get better than that", he says.

"How about no lives for all three?" Maya asks as everyone around her just laughs.

"How about a deal? You beat me and everyone including them leaves", he says, clicking his finger, as a young girl, man and women are pushed in.

"DEAL", Maya shouts.



Throwing off my gear I glance up at William who is doing the same and sending his men to back away behind him, all surrounding Ella, Sofia, and Alina, along with the girl, man, and women, who are armed with heavy chains. 

As I take my mask off, Ella, Sofia, and Alina all gasp and manage to smile.

"You ready darling?" asks William.

"Ask yourself", I spit back as he growls, and leaps towards me.

Leaping onto me, William pushes me to the ground, landing on top of me and continuously throwing punches into my face. After about 5 hits, I pounce my legs out, causing him to stumble back. My turn. Instead of copying his technique, I slide around to his head and put the choke on it, with one hand, meanwhile, my other hand intersects all his hits and punches. After a bit more time with no result, William grabs my neck and tumbles me over, putting me in the choke form. I can feel the pressure in his one arm. He drags me across the room, hitting my head hard on a wheel tire. I push his hand and we begin punching and kicking each other. Flipping one another over and using our surroundings to the benefit. 

Eventually, William breaks the rule and pulls out a knife. I don't copy him. He comes running at full speed, swooping his leg undermine, but I jump it and aim the knife at my heart. Every dodge was terrifying.

Everything happened so fast. In the end, it wasn't clear who won and who lost. 

The entire place just became quiet.


I can't believe it. Maya is here. She's exchanging everyone's lives here in this one fight. I know she's strong, and she always wins, but I'm terrified because I saw what William's plan looks like, and I feel like a coward unable to say anything. 

William grabs Maya's neck and tumbles over her, putting her throat in a choke. I can tell that Maya can feel the pressure. He drags her across and smashes her head on a tire. With this, Maya bounces off and begins punching and nonstop kicking each other. 

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