Chapter 45: Down Right Confused

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I can't believe we misunderstood Jacob so much. Like I knew something was defiantly up, but coming from a gang member like myself, I know the rules, that's why he never told us. So why all of a sudden now? 

Where am I right now? Well after leaving Zaira and Jake together, I went down to the bakery area to pick something out for everyone when we head to Ferhat's house.  But I stopped when I heard some shouting. In this cafe, today, the only people that have shouted were us. So what if something went wrong with Jacob and Zaira? 

I run up the stairs and say," So guys what'd I miss... WOAH", I say staring around me. Lucca, Jacob, and Zaira together, and Jax and Derek next to me.  Jax grabs my hand and I look at him, but he doesn't look back.  "Hey Guys", I say nervously because I just got caught lying.

"Shopping?" Jax asks cocking a brow up.

"Haha, change of plans last minute", I say at the same time as Zaira says, "We already went". I facepalm myself and Zaira looks away. And Jax cocks his brow at me, as everyone snickers.

"Sorry", both Zaira and I say together, as they just laugh at us. 

"Alright, so what are you guys doing?" Lucca asks. 

"Well we were here to just catch up and stuff but then we met Jake and he explained his situation to us, and then I left and they talked, and I came back and you were all here", I say pointing to Zaira and Jacob.

"Alright, I have one question. Are you two together?" Lucca asks Zaira and Jacob who are holding hands.

Oh, Lucca.

"Yes", both Zaira and Jacob answer together, as pain washes over Lucca's face. "Why, what happened?" Jacob asks.

"Nah, nothing. Anyway, I'll go to the other guys now", Lucca says turning around and heading downstairs. I go to the balcony and see him grab one of the girls that are talking to the rest of the guys, he grabs her and sits down with her on her lap and starts kissing her.

I think he does that when he's stressed or sad.

Jax comes behind me and stares with me.

"Does he do that when he's stressed or heartbroken?" I ask him.

"Are you jealous?" Jax asks cocking a smirk.

"Shut up. No way. I'm just concerned about him as a friend. And you should be too", I tell him.

"I think you're jealous", he says as I ignore him. 

"Alright, Jake and I are gonna head to Ferhat's place. Maya goes with Jax", she says winking at me, as I glare at her. 

I look up to Jax who looks down at me. 

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing", I say.

"Jealous", he mutters.

"Shut up", I say lightly slapping him. 

"Jealous. Jealous. Jealous", he chants.

"I don't know you", I say walking away to Derek. "You alright", I ask approaching him, as Jax gives me a weird look from across the room. 

"He was my brother", he says slowly. 

"No, he is your brother. We all just misunderstood. Go to him", I tell him.

"No way. He's just a stranger to me", he tells me. COME ON DEREK.

"Come on Derek, pleaseeeeeee. Do it for me", I tell him pleading.

"What's in it for me?" he asks knealing into me.

"Well a reunification with your brother", I say as he cocks me a brow, "annnnddd... cookies", I answer, as he thinks.

"Well, I do love your cookies. But this price is too little", he says grinning.

"Ok, cookies and doughnuts", I add.

"Still little. By the way, my world doesn't revolve around food you know?" he tells me.

"OH, I KNOW. This is something you absolutely. I'll find you the PERFECT GIRL", I say yelling at the end part, as his eyes widen, and he covers my mouth. 

"Oh my god. You did not just say that", he whispers as four girls walk up to us, wearing mini-skirts and crop tops.

"Hey, I hear you don't have a girlfriend. Wanna try me?" she says tilting her head, but then scans what's happening here. Derek's hands, one covering my mouth and the other on my head.

"Mmm mm mmm", I muffle, as we all look at each person. Luckily Jax comes to my rescue. 

"There you are sweetheart", he says flinging his arm over me as I wobble under him. Both Jax and I wink at Derek as he glares at us. We go and stand by the table watching Derek handle 4 girls that were practically jumping onto him. I stand in the corner and laugh.

"You're so cute when you laugh", Jax says and I shut up.

"Well you don't laugh at all, so I can't say the same about you", I fire back and he shuts up. Haha. I look up to him as he has a huge smile on his face, we make eye contact and crack up laughing. 

Derek walks up to me with the 4 girls behind him, he pushes Jax out of the way and pulls me over. "That was a bad stunt babe. You should be punished for that", he says as all the girl including myself turns our gaze to Jax, who looks frightened out of his skin.

"What's wrong bad-boy? Too many girls at one time?" I ask as he shoots me death glares, as the girls clutch to him.

"Shall we?" Derek asks me.

"We shall. See you Jax", I say waving at him as he passes me a deadpanning look. LoL.

Heading downstairs with Derek next to me, we laugh but stop when we see Zaira and Jake frozen in front of Lucca. Ouch, that might hurt. 

"That's a tough position to be in", Derek whispers. 

"Jake, I'll see you soon. I have something to take care of. But I'll send you the address soon", Zaira tells Jake as he nods, lightly kisses her and leaves. 

Zaira looks at me and Derek before marching to Lucca, pushing the girl off his lap, grabbing his arm and walking out of the cafe. The girl follows behind Lucca but Derek blocks her way.

"Back off women", he says in nonchalant tone.

"You're hot", she says, as Derek freezes.  "Here's my card. Call me", she says as she heads to the lounge. 

Dropping the card, Derek walks towards me but walks right past. 

"Hey, what'd I do?" I ask running up to him, pulling Jax along too.

"Nothing. You didn't save me from her", he says.

"Are you serious? What are you? A baby?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm your baby", he answers, raising his brow at Jax then back at me, but putting his brow back down.

What the heck??? Whaaaaaa????

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