Chapter 29: The Fight

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Jax's POV

We've reached the house, we're in the van, loading up, we can see the guards walking up to us, time to shoot them out.

"HEY, HEY, You, who are you?" The guard asks.

"Hold on a second, he's coming", our driver says, as the guard steps back. We're ready. Jet walks out first and shoots the guy, and Ash follows behind and shoots the other down, dead.

First kills in front of my eyes.
We head on towards the house, like spies, hiding behind every piece of furniture we see, until we come face to face with the backs of 2 girls in black uniform, we see the brown haired one, we stand behind them, loading our guns. They flip around to see us, and immediately leap into position.
"It's 5 against 2, stand down", Jet shouts in a manly voice. While we move closer, circling them, they turn back to back, in fighting position, we have our guns loaded, and are aiming. The black haired one, starts lowering herself. Relief. We lower or guns, while the brown haired one, suddenly kicks Jets gun, out of his hands, she then runs straight to him, punches him in the face, continues kicking and punching him, and finishes off with a super flying kick right in his area.

I'm shocked.

Maya's POV
1 down, 4 to go. 
The rest of the boys, immediately jump into position, 2 for each of us, just like Ferhat said. 2 of the boys circled me, pointing their guns out, when a manly voice said, "Make one dodgy move, and we shoot you or your friend".

Ha as if I just knocked the brownish yellowish guy out, you think I can't do anything. I'm just getting started.

2 guys, one with blackish hair and one with dark brown hair. Easy.
The black head dude strikes. He pulls his knife out, going straight for my face, making me fall, but I don't pull back, I wiggle around, and eventually manage to get my legs in a kangaroo form, I shot them up, causing the guy to hold his stomach on the floor. Meanwhile, the other guy leaps onto me, doing the choking lock, while I constantly elbow him and kick him until I reach that destination. He pulls back holding the place.
Then both the guys start fighting on each side of me, while I defend each kick and punch, until, the first guy flys our of nowhere throwing a knife at my face, which causes a slight cut on my mask, and through on my forehead.
"Arghhhhhh", I growl.

Jax's POV
Jet just threw a knife at her, it got her, she's growling. I punch her super hard. We're trying to knock her unconscious.

Dad explained to us, that this is the horrid women that knows everything legit everything about Maya and killed my little sister. She's killed millions, and now I have the right on behalf of my sister to hurt her as much as I want. Revenge for my sister.

She's done on the floor. This was easier than I thought. I go down to get her, when suddenly she kicks me, straight in the jaw, causing me to stumble backwards, she continuously punches, slaps, and kicks me everywhere. I swear there's blood coming out. She's legit killing me, I think she's gonna knock me out. 

Suddenly out of nowhere someone pulls her off me, and the boys pick me up. All the boys except Ash start beating the s*** out of them. Meanwhile, Ash boosts me up. I'm all good now. Somehow the boys have managed to tie the two girls together. We're about to take them out. I go down, and say in the manly tone, "You have some information I need", before slapping her across the face, "and this is revenge for killing my sister", I say through tears before pulling the gun out and shooting her arm, twice. I'm super angry and there's nothing that's gonna calm me down. The guys begin to pull them up.

Maya's POV
We're about to get up and get taken away, not so fast guys. We're pulled up, but little do they know that we've cut our ropes and they're going to get knocked out real soon. I have the knife clenched in my fist, I poke the guy's hand causing him to screech like a very familiar guy. Very. That's our cue, we leap out punching the guys, kicking them in places, making them fall to the ground, going on top of them and punching them, and our signature move, flying on top of them with a great kick in the place. 

"They're out", Naz says relieved.
"Let's get them inside", I say finally.

We drag the unconscious bodies underground to the cells. One in each cell. A bit of water and some food. When they're awake we start the questions and we pull off their masks.

Knock, knock...

"Let's go, but armed", Naz says.

As we walk together towards the door with our guns loaded, in case there are more men. I knock open the door, and we put our hands out infront of us ready to shoot.

Ferhat's POV
"Wow, what's up", I say raising my arms to the armed girls.
"Oh it's just you guys", I hear Naz's voice say, as they lower their guns.
"You all good?" Ela asks, confused, as I nod.
"We were just attacked by 5 guys, there in the hold downstairs", Maya's voice answers.
"Oh my gosh, Maya, your hand, it's been shot", Derek shouts. And with that, we all walk her inside.
"Wait", Ela says suddenly, "there were 2 vans parked outside, maybe they're with the boys, we should check it out", she finishes.
"Yeah let's go", Maya says turning around.
"Yeah no, you're not going anywhere, young lady you need medical attention right now, two bullets in the same place, isn't exactly a good thing", I say pushing her back.
"Arghhhh, fine you guys go", she says in defeat.
"Yeah I thought so", I say turning around and loading.
We manage to send her and Derek inside and we go towards the vans, whoever these boys work for, won't get the message, we see the vans. We instantly shoot the wheels.
We head inside, shooting each and every man with a memory loss bullet, they'll forget everything.
We're done. We decide to call the gangs ambulance so when the police come, nothing sounds fishy.
The ambulance arrives and they park at the front with Maya in there, working on her treatment.

Maya's POV
"Yeah I thought so", Ferhat's says smirking and walking out. Pffff, medical attention, I've done much worse.
"Come on, hurry up, if we get you better quickly, we can get out there and kick some more butts", Derek says smiling. I follow behind him. We head inside to the living area, meanwhile, Derek gives Naz and ear signal.

Ear signals are where people communicate through voice messaging and it goes in the person's ear through the earpiece, and they can respond through it. It's like ear texting basically.

"Yo Naz, where's the first aid kit?" He asks. After a while, "okay, keep us updated".
Derek walks away and comes back holding a first aid kit. I unbutton my vests and roll up my sleeves to the spot, Derek applies some stuff and uses some tools to pull out 2 bullets.
I'm dying right now, I'm screaming and screaming.

I'm out.

Jax's POV
I'm alive and all I hear is a hell lot of screaming, above me. What where am I? I'm looking around and looks like a jail, but not. I mean I'm in a room with bars and more rooms like mine around me, and people in the corner of them. I'm in my gear, the gang, THE FIGHT!!!
Oh my gosh, everything, I frecking remember now!!!!!!!
Oh, my f****** God!!!!!!!
We didn't succeed.
OH, SHIT!!!!
I walk to the bars and see my guys leaning against them, I hope they're okay, I pulled them into this, I hope they're okay because, if something happens to them, I'm dead.
I see Jet's eyes opening, as he slowly says, "sup".
"Phew, thank god, you all good?" I ask.
"Yeah just a bit of pain", Jet answers.
"I'm alive too", Alec says frustrated.
"Mmmhhmmmm", a voice that sounds like Ash answers.
"Lucca, you all good there buddy?" I ask concerned. No answer. "Lucca", I ask again. Still no response. Alec stretches his hand out and to the next cell and puts two fingers on his neck.
"No pulse", Alec says.
"SHIT", I curse. I start shouting and screaming hoping that someone comes down.
"Jax, someone's coming", Jet says.
"Let them come, they need to help him", I say through tears.
I see 4 figures walk down the stairs and in front of the cells, looking at each other.
"Remove your masks, and we'll help you", a very familiar voice says. We look at each other, until another voice commands, "Remove the masks, boys!"
These voices are really familiar, really.

One of the men come and unlock Lucca's cell, pull off his mask, and gasp.

"Lucca," he says.

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