Chapter 5: Revealed Truth

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Maya's POV

Ok so I'm here with the girls and we're discussing me being an idiot.

"Ok, ok, I know that wasn't a good prank, in fact, I think because of my lame decision I'm never gonna be his friend, he'll hate me for life... What have I done?" I cried.

"Relax, I know you're starting the Prank War, but just tell Jax the truth, he's really concerned about you", Ella replied.

"Wait, what, JAX MARSHALL, the guy I like, is concerned about me? Did he hit his head in the holiday? " I asked.

"Maya... No Jax didn't hit his head, our aunty just gave all the guys a lecture on how to find the girl they want or should be friends with, influence them, and that means standing up to the girls you don't like, so in Jax's case Brianna and the CO's", she replied.

"No way does he even know I existed until now, are you serious, what should I do? Arghhhhh my life is a mess", I said digging my face in my palms.

"Ummm Maya", Alina suddenly said.

"I know what you should do", started Sofia. Blah blah blah, she continued, but I wasn't listening, I was more focused on what my head wanted, until 'Bing', my laptop beeped.

"GUYS SHUSH, Look", I shouted staring at the laptop screen, with all my friends staring into it the laptop screen. There was dead silence.  The screen read...

Hey Maya, I know you're pranking me, this is just the start of the war,

so let me just give you a heads up, Keep your eyes open, there's 

something coming your way, and believe it or not, this is gonna be the 

biggest prank ever since the prank you pulled on us.

P.S. Did you like my acting? 

See you at school... Maya-Gator...

I froze like a statue. What, so he knew all along, how? Oh well, at least now this ridiculous prank is over. I just can't wait to get back to school and see what the guys have planned for me... Hmmm, what type of prank would a guy do, for revenge on hurting his feelings, really badly... 

OMG, what if he's planning to kidnap me or kill me, in case you don't know but all the 5GG are kind off 1/2 Bad Boy type, I mean none of them smokes or does drugs, but all of them are incredibly strong, and more than 1/2 the school is scared of them because of their skills. And when I say skills, I mean fighting skills, of course, I'm better, being in a secret gang comes along with fighting and shooting and all.

But still What if... Wait for a second, He said, 'Maya-Gator', that's what Zain calls me, how does he know. I need answers. 

"Hey, Ella, could you ask Jax something about 'Maya-Gator', like how he knows this, please?" I asked.

"Sure thing, look I'm sorry Maya, but Jax said I need to get going, so I'll see you tomorrow at school, plus did you tell Zain about the accident", Ella asked.

"No I didn't he's like my brother, and brothers are possessive. He probably already found out, considering I'm at school until, now, he's probably looking for me, I should call him', I said.

"Here you can use my phone", Zaira said, handing me her phone.

"Ok, thanks", I replied getting the phone. I dialled his number and he picked up immediately.

"Hey Zaira, have you seen Maya anywhere, apparently there's been a rumour going around, that she was hit by a car, this morning after I left her, is it true, hurry up answer me, where is she?" shouted Zain through the phone.

"Zain where are you?", asked Zaira as I handed her the phone.

"I'm driving around the school campus, where are you, wait, wait, I think I see someone, I'll call you later", and with that, he ended the call.

"Well at least he knows now", Sofia said with a weird smile.

"Oh this day can't get can't get any worse can it, first my Possessive cousin is going to never let me go anywhere, and then this annoying email and now what could possibly go wrong", I shouted.

"Knock, knock, knock, guess who it is?" came a voice from outside the door, in fact it was such a familiar voice, it didn't take a second to think who it was.

Zaira headed towards the door to open it, and to her surprise, she was face to face with none other than, Jax, Lucca, Alec, Ash and Jet. We all peeped our heads forwards to see who it was.

" OH GREAT, I spoke too soon", I cried.

The boys rushed on in, with Jax standing right in front of me.

"Are you ok?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine", I muttered quietly.

"Listen Jax, I know I'm always pulling pranks but this prank, I regret, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, this wasn't a prank, well it shouldn't of been one, and I really really am sorry, please please please forgive me, I don't care what you do for revenge, just please forgive me", I cried, with a tear falling.

Then the unimaginable happened, instead of anyone saying anything, or Jax saying NO or anything, he pulled me into a small hug, and whispered, "Hush, hush, hush, I forgive you, Relax bro". 

"We just came to say that even though we knew this was a prank and all, we just wanted to say, we're not done yet and yes this year will be the most rememberable pranks because in each prank we pull, one of your friends will be involved... SO young ladies, be prepared because" said Ash... 

" The boys are going to WIN this war"... they all said together, laughing and pulling up their sleeves to reveal their muscles. 

"Ha-ha-ha, as if, don't you remember who won the war last year, US, GIRLS, you boys haven't got a chance winning, because guess what, Girls 1 point, and Boys 0 points", said Alina.

"That's right boys, get ready, hahaha", all us girls giggled.

Jax and the boys stayed for about 20 minutes laughing and arguing with us, so we decided that on Thursday and Friday, lunchtime and interval, we would sit together, and have some fun, just the 10 of us.

Our laughter all ended, when the door smashed open, and our eyes fell upon one guy...


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