Chapter 8

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Shailene POV:

The baby is supposed to come soon. Theo is done preparing for his job interview and were done with the room, we got medication for the baby and diapers.

We sit on the couch relaxing.

"What should we name the baby?" I ask him.

"If it's a girl, Hannah" he replies.

"If it's a boy, I want it to be Nathan." I say.

"Nathan and Hannah, those are really good names." He says. I nod.

"I'm going to make us some lunch. Can you help me?" I ask.

"Of course." He replies. He helps me up and holds me while I walk. I start to make an avocado salad. Jones says it's good for the baby.

"Theo, take out the avocados please." I say. He reaches the top shelf and gives me three.

"Thank you."

I start peeling it feel water come to my feet.

"Did you just pee yourself?" Theo asks. I feel a big pain.

"No!" I yell. "CRAP! WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!" He picks me up bridal style and grabs the keys. He puts me in the car and starts driving. "HURRY UP!" I yell.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" He yells back. I scream. "We'll be there soon, just keep pushing."

I do as he says. I scream.

When we get to the hospital, he picks me up. I scream. He runs into the hospital. He puts me in a wheelchair.

"We need a doctor, my wife is about to give birth!" He says. The nurse quickly calls Jones. Jones comes over to us.

"Get her in the birth room! Now!" He yells. I ride her into the elevator. I press the button that takes us to the fifth floor.

"Hurry up!" I yell. He presses the button ten more times. When we get to the fifth floor, Theo runs into the birth room and lays me down. A nurse is in there. Labor starts now.

"Okay Mrs. James, I'm going to need you to take a deep, deep breath. Okay? Take a deep breath." The nurse says. I take a deep breath. "Now push as hard as you can!"

I push then scream. Theo takes my hand. I squeeze it. "Mr. James, push her back up!"

Theo puts his hand behind my back and pushes me forward. I scream even louder.

"Keep pushing!"

I scream again. I keep screaming for hours.

I feel the pain stop, and a cry of an infant. I breathe. Theo smiles. "You did it Shay, we have a baby." Theo says. I smile.

"Yeah," I say breathlessly. They get the baby ready and wrap it in a blanket. The nurse hands it to me.

"You have a healthy baby boy," she says smiling. "What will you guys name him?"

"Nathan." We say at the same time. Nathan has beautiful blue eyes. He looks at us calmly. He blinks faintly, and he's quiet.

"This is amazing." Theo says. We kiss. Nathan's face scrunches up and he turns red. He starts crying. We laugh. I cradle him. Theo gives him a faint kiss on the nose. I give him a faint kiss on the forehead.

Nathan falls asleep in my arms. "Maybe you should get some rest, Shay." Theo says. I nod. I hand him the baby and fall asleep.


Theo POV:

I take Nathan into my arms as Shailene falls asleep. "Follow me." The nurse whispers. I kiss Shay on the forehead and leave the room.

I follow the nurse down the hallway and turn left to a door. The door leads to a room where they keep newborn babies. The nurse takes a little paper and writes: 'Nathan' on it. She tapes it to a little bed for him. I put him down and he falls asleep.

"He'll be in here while your wife rests. He'll be out by tomorrow. Would you like to sleep at the hospital, or at home?" The nurse says.

"I'll stay here with my wife." I say.

"Alright then." She says. "On the third floor there's a cafeteria. If you get hungry, just go ahead and eat something there. The food is absolutely free." She walks out of the room. I stay and look at Nathan.


Shailene POV:

The day comes. Theo helps me get up. I hold Nathan. He's asleep. We sign out of the hospital and start to drive home.

"Theo, your job interview is tomorrow. Are you ready?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've been getting ready every single night. I'm going to try and spend as much time with you and Nathan tonight." He replies. I kiss him.

"Great. We should get some groceries-" I start to say. Nathan starts to cry. He's very hungry.

"Come one Nathan, just hold on until we get home." I say. Looking in the back at his car seat.

We pull up in our driveway. I get out of the car and pick up Nathan. He has three hairs on his soft head. He continues to cry. Since he's a newborn, he doesn't look like anything yet. All newborn babies look the same. But in a month or so, that'll change.

We carry Nathan to our house. Theo opens the door. "Look Nathan, this is your home. This is where you're going to grow up." I say. Theo closes the door and kisses him lightly. Nathan looks around amazed. We laugh.

I carry him to the couch and breast feed him.

"I can't believe he's that hungry." Theo says.

"This is his first time eating in his whole life. So he might be pretty hungry." I say.

"Let's get him upstairs." Theo says. I stand up and take him. I put him down in his crib and kiss his nose.

"I love you baby." I whisper to Nathan. Theo and I walk out of the room and close the door slowly, and gently.

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